obivandamme / Workshop

This is the repository for the OSE Workshop mod for Kerbal Space Program
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Some parts get double-recipes #31

Open Kerbas-ad-astra opened 8 years ago

Kerbas-ad-astra commented 8 years ago

Crew cabins have a ModuleScienceExperiment and a ModuleCommand, so they get patched by both patches in MM_Workshop.cfg. You should add some logic to make them exclusive (e.g. add ":HAS[!OSE_PartRecipe]" -- although that may be tricky, since usually the "!" syntax is looking for something with a "name" variable, which your recipes don't have -- or use % "edit-or-create" syntax).

obivandamme commented 8 years ago

I think I will support multiple recipes by making them stack. If a part has the Science Module and a Command Module it makes sense to need the resources to print both.