objectbox / objectbox-dart

Flutter database for super-fast Dart object persistence
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Effective Dart #28

Closed minikin closed 4 years ago

minikin commented 4 years ago

Why don't use an Effective Dart for this project? Like here for constant names definitions you break it.


Buggaboo commented 4 years ago

Those are like that due to readability, and how easily they relate to the C-based names at first glance. I personally have always hated camel case. It's refreshing to see snake case. Style is also about maintainability. If the maintainers experience zero problems...

And now to the real issue, emacs or vim?

vaind commented 4 years ago

This should probably be supported by setting up a linter & maybe even including in GitHub actions CI so we notice new offending code.


GregorySech commented 4 years ago

If you need a pre-made linter configuration for Effective Dart a lot of people uses https://pub.dev/packages/pedantic . There are a handful that are not set by the package but are listed in the README

vaind commented 4 years ago

@GregorySech would you like to contribute a PR configuring it?

GregorySech commented 4 years ago

Ok, but I'm not sure how to setup the CI part. If there is one, can I ask you?

vaind commented 4 years ago

Sure, we've just started using the new GitHub Actions: https://github.com/objectbox/objectbox-dart/blob/dev/.github/workflows/dart.yml

vaind commented 4 years ago

Any chance we could get the linter to work with Actions? A major PR was merged today and it shows a couple of linter issues so it would be great if we could prevent it

GregorySech commented 4 years ago

I can set it up this evening when I get home from work. So approximately in 2 and a half hours.

On Mon, 21 Oct 2019, 17:55 Ivan Dlugos, notifications@github.com wrote:

Any chance we could get the linter to work with Actions? A major PR was merged today and it shows a couple of linter issues so it would be great if we could prevent it

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GregorySech commented 4 years ago

I'll also split the two packages in my next PR or the action will always fail. Working on it on the train.

vaind commented 4 years ago

I'd say this has been implemented by now so closing, feel free to open an issue/PR with specific areas of improvements