objectbox / objectbox-dart

Flutter database for super-fast Dart object persistence
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Basic Query (Builder) support #5

Closed greenrobot closed 4 years ago

greenrobot commented 4 years ago

Goal: minimal solution including a query builder and a reusable query object. For reference, please check the Java query API.

Buggaboo commented 4 years ago

I started by wrapping the C functions, I'll share a branch soon.

With regard to designing the interface, I'm thinking of passing a closure to the Store#query method, to produce a QueryBuilder object like swift.

I think another way to do it idiomatically in dart is by declaring this query method as a factory that takes a closure that takes instances of Condition in the body. Also one can leverage the .. cascade operator, so there's no need to declare those types as part of a builder pattern. And boolean operator overloading for any / join (i.e. respectively ||, &&).

At some point in the future, we'll can leverage extension (a la Objc: category, swift: extension), to bolt on the properties to create conditions. Right now, I'm generating the EntityType properties, in a separate EntityType_ class (like java).

@Entity class Person { @Id... }

final store = Store([...]);
final box = Box<Person>(store);
final query = box.query(() {
        ..greaterThan(18); // equivalent to: && Person_.age > 18
var p = query.findFirst();

Something like this.

vaind commented 4 years ago

Factory method taking Condition is what Go does (not closure, directly a list of conditions). That's probably similar to what you had in mind, isn't it? Maybe it would make the code/usage simpler without the closure?

box.Query(Person_.age.greaterThan(18), Person_.name.startsWith("John"))
vaind commented 4 years ago

A few things to keep in mind:

In any case, having a look at the query-builder implementation in go/swift may help you clear some things up. https://github.com/objectbox/objectbox-go/blob/master/objectbox/querybuilder.go

vaind commented 4 years ago
Buggaboo commented 4 years ago

We can't use varargs or reuse method names, that's why I initially thought of passing a closure. For example:

QueryBuilder Query(Condition... c)

Nor this will work:

QueryBuilder Query(Condition c1) { ... } 
QueryBuilder Query(Condition c1, ..., Condition cn) { ... }

We can do optional positional arguments though of constant size n, but I doubt that's gonna be pretty.

vaind commented 4 years ago

Oh, no variadic functions in dart? What about taking a list then? Still less cumbersome than a closure

vaind commented 4 years ago

And there's a "solution" for variadic functions as well actually: http://yuasakusa.github.io/dart/2014/01/23/dart-variadic.html

It would be interesting to see the performance hit when compared to passing a list

vaind commented 4 years ago

Actually, looking back at your original comment @Buggaboo, I quite like the idea of operator overloading. However, is it really necessary for Query to take a closure? What about taking a Condition interface, i.e. something produced by Person_.age.greaterThan(18) or by an operator overload (a combination of two conditions) - Person_.age.greaterThan(18) && Person_.name.startsWith("A")

Buggaboo commented 4 years ago

I have something working, it might leak or explode on your machine. I'm not ready to merge yet, but count already works.

This design allows for very complex Condition trees using and / or. It would be nice if the user wouldn't need to manually close a query.

Also I'm not very sure of the type mapping I have right now:

    "dart" : "objectbox-c"
    "int" : "Int64", // this could be Int32 instead, or even a c-byte (aka Uint8), dart<2.0 used to be arbitrary precision
    "bool" : "Uint8",

I added a box.queryAll and box.queryAny function, e.g.:

final text = TestEntity_.text;
final anyGroup = <QueryCondition>[text.equal("meh"), text.equal("bleh")];
final queryAny = box.queryAny(anyGroup).build();
// equivalent to
box.query(text == "meh" | text == "bleh").build();
// equivalent to
vaind commented 4 years ago

I've taken first a look at the code and it looks good :+1: I especially like the operator overloads.

There are a few things that could be updated with the changes introduced by https://github.com/objectbox/objectbox-dart/pull/25 - ~I hope it gets merged soon.~ It's merged into dev now.

Also, as you mentioned, it seems like #11 is a prerequisite of queries supporting all types. However, it doesn't mean we can't finish the rest first and maybe even merge it in.

Do you mind creating a PR? It's fine if the code is unfinished but at least some parts could be clarified already.

Buggaboo commented 4 years ago

I'll do a PR after I implement findFirst / find / findIds. I quickly implemented findFirst and find by (ab)using Box<T>.getMany.

I plan to expose new OBXFlatbuffersManager<T> in a certain Box<T> to the queries, to reuse for unmarshalling the buffer from find. Instead of passing the whole box like I do right now.

I haven't started on orderBy yet.

vaind commented 4 years ago

I plan to expose new OBXFlatbuffersManager<T> in a certain Box<T> to the queries, to reuse for unmarshalling the buffer from find. Instead of passing the whole box like I do right now.

Yes, makes sense for queries to have access to their entity's box. Similar is done in Go.

I haven't started on orderBy yet.

Order, offset, limit, params, etc. are not necessary for the first step. Let's limit the scope of this issue to "Basic query support" so the PR would be more manageable if you don't mind.

GregorySech commented 4 years ago

Hi, I'm not sure if this is still a matter of discussion however I wanted to share a couple of Dart projects with built-in ORMs. I guess that a major part of the objective here is having an API similar to the other languages SDKs but maybe some inspiration can be drawn from these:

Edit: Maybe the aqueduct one is a little out of scope as it isn't compatible with Flutter.

Buggaboo commented 4 years ago

Thanks, the stream and futures look nice; there are async stuff on the objectbox-c project, that can be implemented to support async queries. The syntax is somewhat constrained by how objects/methods are defined in the objectbox-c project.

There should be a new ticket for syntax-sugar related wish-list. Since objectbox is not a SQL DB, I don't feel that we have to stick to that syntactic tradition, e.g. select(cond)..groupBy(prop)..orderBy(prop) etc..

I can imagine something like this:

// box = Box<S> bla
final builder = box.query(S_.text == 'meh');
final firstFuture = builder.firstFuture(); // Future<S>
final listFuture = builder.future(); // Future<List<S>>
final generator = builder.generator(); // Iterator<S> Function();
final stream = builder.stream(); // Stream<List<S>>
// Stream<S> singleStream = builder.streamSingle(); // is probably achievable thru a StreamTransform.
try {
  await print(firstFuture.toString());
  await for(list in listFuture) {
    print (list.map((s) => s.toString()).toList().join(", "));
  print (generator()); // yields s0
  print (generator()); // yields s1 after s0
  print (generator()); // yields s2 after s1
  await print(stream.first);
  stream.listen((list) => print (list.map((s) => s.toString()).toList().join(", ")));
} catch (err) {
  print('Caught error: $err');

We don't really have groupBy support yet. Although this can be implemented from dart.

GregorySech commented 4 years ago

Would be really nice, about aggregators I guess it's fine. For what is worth I really dig the idea of using operator overloading to logically join the Conditions.

vaind commented 4 years ago


I'm not sure if this is still a matter of discussion however I wanted to share a couple of Dart projects with built-in ORMs. I guess that a major part of the objective here is having an API similar to the other languages SDKs but maybe some inspiration can be drawn from these:

Thanks, it's pretty similar to what we do in other languages as well but when there's a specific functionality that needs to be done differently, it's always nice to have a fairly "standardized" interface - that's where it makes much sense to look at other solutions - if it makes sense to provide familiar experience to developers.

vaind commented 4 years ago


We don't really have groupBy support yet. Although this can be implemented from dart.

FYI, aggregators are (to some extent) supported by objectbox-c = Property-Query OBX_query_prop - that would end up as a new issue I guess, certainly not in scope of this one.

Since objectbox is not a SQL DB, I don't feel that we have to stick to that syntactic tradition, e.g. select(cond)..groupBy(prop)..orderBy(prop) etc..

Certainly - while there are similarities, ObjectBox doesn't even want to look/work like SQL.

vaind commented 4 years ago

Thank you @Buggaboo for tackling this. It ended up to be quite a big PR :+1:

Buggaboo commented 4 years ago

Well, we did it together more or less. Now we have proper ffi Structs etc., and other fancy stuff. I learned a lot.

greenrobot commented 4 years ago

Awesome! :+1: