objectbox / objectbox-dart

Flutter database for super-fast Dart object persistence
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Wrong artifact created during build when adding flutter_libs #569

Closed alexyaroshuk closed 6 months ago

alexyaroshuk commented 7 months ago

Adding objectbox_flutter_libs (or objectbox_sync_flutter_libs) to pubspec.yaml causes my Codemagic iOS build to produce "Sourcery.app" artifact instead of the expected Runner.app, affecting my debug process (I am unable to build from Sourcery.app). I see that during the iOS build ObjectBox 1.9.0 is installed, creating the "sourcery.app" directory. I could not find any other reference to Sourcery. I did not see how the target is changed as "Runner.app" settings remain the same in the build logs.

Renaming the folders/updating the previous Runner.app builds' folder content into Sourcery.app folder did not help, nor did the vice versa method, both failed the installation on the device.

What is the cause of this? Any workaround to get Runner.app instead?

Basic info:

Steps to reproduce

add objectbox to pubspec, add objectbox_flutter_libs/objectbox_sync_flutter_libs to pubspec, run the generator, pub get, start build

Expected behavior

iOS build produces Runner.app as usual

greenrobot-team commented 6 months ago

This was also asked on Stack Overflow. As this is likely a Codemagic setup issue and the author of that project is involved there already, closing this.

Edit: please also avoid double-posting. It takes away time from actually dealing with issues.