objectbox / objectbox-java

Android Database - first and fast, lightweight on-device vector database
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Extended class SUPPORT #1173

Closed agbenge closed 3 months ago

agbenge commented 3 months ago

Is there an existing issue?

Use case

Having an entity class that extends another class The extended class properties are not visible in the entity model

Proposed solution

Generate a model that searches and adds properties of the extended class(supper class)


Manually bring all properties of the extended class into the Entity class

Additional context

This is done in Flutter using the Dart programming language. This problem is associated with the generator.

agbenge commented 3 months ago

Alternatives Use overide to such fileds

  String? uuid;
  String? display;
greenrobot-team commented 3 months ago

This is an issue with the ObjectBox library for Dart/Flutter. This repo tracks issues for the Java library.

See the existing issue for the Dart library.