objectcomputing / check-ins

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"Add settings page and controls" #2402

Closed jackkeller closed 1 month ago

jackkeller commented 1 month ago

This pull request adds a new settings page and several settings controls to the project. The settings page includes a blank layout and the necessary routing. The settings controls include boolean, color, file, number, and string controls, each with their own stories for testing. This PR also includes some styling updates and fixes a bug related to rendering a multiline textarea.

Testing Locally

  1. Log in using ADMIN or SUPER account
  2. In the web-ui directory, run yarn start to view http://localhost:5173/admin/settings
  3. Your process.env.NODE_ENV must be set to development to view the settings page with sample controls
  4. You can run yarn ladle if you want to see the Storybook examples for the settings controls

Once verified that this is working as expected locally, the sample controls in the settings page can be replaced with the actual settings controls. And that can happen on this PR or when the settings are ready to be added to the project.