objectcomputing / check-ins

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Unnecessary reactive code #2410

Closed sdelamo closed 4 weeks ago

sdelamo commented 1 month ago

We use reactive code in controllers where it is unnecessary:

@Tag(name = "Today")
public class TodayController {

    private final TodayServices todayServices;

    public TodayController(TodayServices todayServices) {
        this.todayServices = todayServices;

    public Mono<HttpResponse<TodayResponseDTO>> getTodaysEvents() {
        return Mono.fromCallable(todayServices::getTodaysEvents)

The previous controller already offloads to the IO thread pool: @ExecuteOn(TaskExecutors.BLOCKING)

We could rewrite the getTodayEvents as

    TodayResponseDTO getTodaysEvents() {
        return todayServices.getTodaysEvents();