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Add Highest Scores chart to pulse report #2416

Closed mkimberlin closed 1 month ago

mkimberlin commented 1 month ago

As a user with access to the pulse response report, I want to see charts showing the highest and lowest average scores so that I can easily identify the most and least satisfied team members based on average scores from the selected time range.

Acceptance Criteria

Highest Scores Chart

You can use the following as a basic mockup:


Lowests Scores Chart

You can use the following as a basic mockup:


mvolkmann commented 1 month ago

@mkimberlin For computing the average scores, should it combine the internal and external scores? Maybe I should add a drop that lets the user choose between "Internal Scores", "External Scores", and "Both Scores".

mkimberlin commented 1 month ago

A toggle would be good, I think. I don't think I'd worry about the "both" case.