objectcomputing / check-ins

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Check-Ins Report Member Filtering #2425

Closed vhscom closed 3 weeks ago

vhscom commented 1 month ago

Given an Admin is viewing Check-in Report When the report contains members no longer with the company Then the report takes into consideration the termination date


It is not current practice to change a member's assigned PDL upon termination.

Acceptance Criteria:

vhscom commented 1 month ago

This item is marked [review] for another pair of eyes.

mkimberlin commented 1 month ago

Report will not list PDLs with a non-null terminationDate in any previous quarter

I think this is backward. I think we don't want to show them for future quarters. If they were an active PDL in a previous quarter, we would want to be able to see them in the report.

mkimberlin commented 1 month ago

Report will not list PDL Dev Partners with a terminationDate who are no longer assigned to a PDL

I think the second part of that condition is irrelevant. The data will likely still have them assigned to a PDL, as we don't remove those values on termination currently. If they have a termination date prior to the beginning of the current quarter, they shouldn't show up.

mkimberlin commented 1 month ago

The overall PDL status will reflect progress during the current quarter based only on actively-employed members

This is good thinking. I'm not sure I would have thought of this until I ran into a case that confused me. 👍

The badge reflecting the number of members assigned to the PDL will not change until the member is unassigned

I actually think I would only reflect active assignments. If they are terminated, I would rather not see them in that number because it's primarily used to determine whether a PDL has the bandwidth for another assignment...and if that person has moved on, they do.