objectcomputing / check-ins

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Fetch documents from the server in the UI #2522

Closed timyates closed 3 days ago

timyates commented 4 days ago

This is just the viewing side, not the CRUD and ordering for documents...

I am a long way from an expert in React and JS, so this could be horrible to front end eyes 😉

I added a fallback for when there are no documents in the database. So if the endpoint returns an empty list, then the fallback list of docs is used.

Not sure why I cannot style anything....altering CSS in GuideLink.css or GuidesPanel.css seems to make no difference 🤔

timyates commented 3 days ago

~Is this better for handling the request promise?~



No it isn't, as it doesn't work (it was IntelliJ with a spurious warning) 😁 reverted back