Closed objecthub-io closed 7 years ago
When deploying an object that has any dependencies that has non ascii characters such as '...', deployment will fail with the following message:
Exception reported: (InvalidCharacterError) stack: Error: Failed to execute 'btoa' on 'Window': The string to be encoded contains characters outside of the Latin1 range. at Object.priv.uploadService (*0/it/.n/Platform/.…Web/.n/Basic_Editors/.n/Micro_Service1/.n/Generate_Service.value.js:230:13) at Jv.eval [as b] (*0/it/.n/Platform/.…Web/.n/Basic_Editors/.n/Micro_Service1/.n/Generate_Service.value.js:287:17) at l5 (0.js:1600:332) at nlc._.J (0.js:1538:271) at wgc (0.js:1345:230) at xgc._.P (0.js:1346:154) at tlc (0.js:1538:415) at rlc._.zl (0.js:1631:279) at rlc.Tu.0.2 (0.js:1632:362) at Y9 (0.js:2346:227) INDEX_SIZE_ERR: 1 DOMSTRING_SIZE_ERR: 2 HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR: 3 WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR: 4 INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR: 5 NO_DATA_ALLOWED_ERR: 6 NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR: 7 NOT_FOUND_ERR: 8 NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR: 9 INUSE_ATTRIBUTE_ERR: 10 INVALID_STATE_ERR: 11 SYNTAX_ERR: 12 INVALID_MODIFICATION_ERR: 13 NAMESPACE_ERR: 14 INVALID_ACCESS_ERR: 15 VALIDATION_ERR: 16 TYPE_MISMATCH_ERR: 17 SECURITY_ERR: 18 NETWORK_ERR: 19 ABORT_ERR: 20 URL_MISMATCH_ERR: 21 QUOTA_EXCEEDED_ERR: 22 TIMEOUT_ERR: 23 INVALID_NODE_TYPE_ERR: 24 DATA_CLONE_ERR: 25 code: 5: Failed to execute 'btoa' on 'Window': The string to be encoded contains characters outside of the Latin1 range. (InvalidCharacterError) stack: Error: Failed to execute 'btoa' on 'Window': The string to be encoded contains characters outside of the Latin1 range. at Object.priv.uploadService (*0/it/.n/Platform/.…Web/.n/Basic_Editors/.n/Micro_Service1/.n/Generate_Service.value.js:230:13) at Jv.eval [as b] (*0/it/.n/Platform/.…Web/.n/Basic_Editors/.n/Micro_Service1/.n/Generate_Service.value.js:287:17) at l5 (0.js:1600:332) at nlc._.J (0.js:1538:271) at wgc (0.js:1345:230) at xgc._.P (0.js:1346:154) at tlc (0.js:1538:415) at rlc._.zl (0.js:1631:279) at rlc.Tu.0.2 (0.js:1632:362) at Y9 (0.js:2346:227) INDEX_SIZE_ERR: 1 DOMSTRING_SIZE_ERR: 2 HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR: 3 WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR: 4 INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR: 5 NO_DATA_ALLOWED_ERR: 6 NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR: 7 NOT_FOUND_ERR: 8 NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR: 9 INUSE_ATTRIBUTE_ERR: 10 INVALID_STATE_ERR: 11 SYNTAX_ERR: 12 INVALID_MODIFICATION_ERR: 13 NAMESPACE_ERR: 14 INVALID_ACCESS_ERR: 15 VALIDATION_ERR: 16 TYPE_MISMATCH_ERR: 17 SECURITY_ERR: 18 NETWORK_ERR: 19 ABORT_ERR: 20 URL_MISMATCH_ERR: 21 QUOTA_EXCEEDED_ERR: 22 TIMEOUT_ERR: 23 INVALID_NODE_TYPE_ERR: 24 DATA_CLONE_ERR: 25
Fixed. Non-Ascii characters show up as '?' for now.
When deploying an object that has any dependencies that has non ascii characters such as '...', deployment will fail with the following message: