objectivehtml / FlipClock

MIT License
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error in IE9 #144

Closed cheops closed 10 years ago

cheops commented 10 years ago

flipclock.js line 1200 the comma at the end of the line should be removed since there is nothing following.

objectivehtml commented 10 years ago

I am not seeing in the latest build. If you are still seeing any trailing commas in the most recent release just let me know.

cheops commented 10 years ago

the file looks good now.

It was in FlipClock.List

getPrevDigit: function() { return this.digit == 0 ? 9 : this.digit - 1; ==> },

/* setActiveDigit: function(digit) { var $obj = this.$el.find('.'+this.classes.active);

$obj.find('.inn').html(digit); $obj.removeClass(this.classes.active).addClass(this.classes.active); },

setActiveDigit: function(digit) { this.$el.find('.'+this.classes.before).find('.inn').html(digit); } */

