We ran into an issue where serializing a repo to json was giving us invlaid json of the form """": "value" when encoding zero-length mapping keys. It looks like the issue is in IDatatype.toJSONString:37
if (aString == null || aString.length() == 0)
for (i = 0; i < len; i += 1) {
It handles the case where the string is empty, but then continues on to handle the non zero-length case.
I've resolved the issue by adding a return statement in the zero-length case, but I just wanted to run this past you since it could be a significant change at a fairly low level.
We ran into an issue where serializing a repo to json was giving us invlaid json of the form
"""": "value"
when encoding zero-length mapping keys. It looks like the issue is in IDatatype.toJSONString:37It handles the case where the string is empty, but then continues on to handle the non zero-length case.
I've resolved the issue by adding a return statement in the zero-length case, but I just wanted to run this past you since it could be a significant change at a fairly low level.