oblac / jodd-http

Simple Java HTTP client.
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
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support http2.0? #13

Open ralphhuang opened 12 months ago

igr commented 12 months ago

Have to check... JDK 11 introduces http2 support via the new HttpClient, that is a bit different than the existing implementation.

I will try the best!

neroux commented 6 months ago

@ralphhuang, at this point, I'd probably rather go straight for HTTP 3.

As discussed with @igr, I would vote against just a wrapper around an existing implementation, but one does need to acknowledge that implementing your own HTTP 3 client would certainly be a major task.

neroux commented 6 months ago

While I'd welcome support for HTTP 3, I believe it would be a major undertaking.

Also because it would not be just the implementation of a new HTTP version, but one would first need the underlying QUIC implementation. Jodd could certainly use an existing one, however so far Jodd has tried to stay autonomous and not rely on third-party code, except for what Java itself provides.

As mentioned, I'd love if Jodd offered that, but I assume that would not be something one implements over the weekend :)