oblador / react-native-animatable

Standard set of easy to use animations and declarative transitions for React Native
MIT License
9.79k stars 704 forks source link

Suggestion: deprecate this library in favor of moti #389

Open hirbod opened 2 years ago

hirbod commented 2 years ago

https://github.com/nandorojo/moti https://moti.fyi/

I think it's pretty obvious. Old API, not a really maintained library anymore, no REA2, not all attributes have native driver support etc, pretty decent issue counter.

No offense here, loved this library. Was the best one back in the days. But with rea2, web support etc. I think its time :)

lukebrandonfarrell commented 2 years ago

Hey @Hirbod,

We have started using your library and so far so good, I love the fact it's powered by rea2 which is much better in terms of performance.

Although, I think the reason people reach for react-native-animatable is that it has a huge amount of preconfigured animation presets, something which I don't think Moti offers right?

I believe if Moti offered the same selection of preset animations as react-native-animatable then it would far surpass this library in terms of popularity. As when choosing a library sometimes you are just looking for something which can get you that fade animation as quick as possible.

Just something to think about 🤞