Open CodingXD opened 4 years ago
Any update on this? I'm getting this type of error on 0.61.2
Stil waiting for solution on RN 0.64.3
and RNVectorIcon 9.0.0
@haloriyan @aqeebimtiaz passing style={{fontSize: 30}} will bypass this error
@haloriyan @aqeebimtiaz passing style={{fontSize: 30}} will bypass this error
Works for me, thanks
Expanding on @octoro-software's suggestion, I solved this by checking for instances where fontSize
was defined as a string and changed that to an integer. style={{ fontSize: '13' }}
=> style={{ fontSize: 13 }}
This really help after 1 day of struggle
error while updating property fontWeight in shadow node of type rcttext in react-native and there are no strings in the code for fontWeight
try this - any icon size you are passing in as size={'10'}
or size={10}
should be passed as style={{ fontSize:10 }}
error al actualizar la propiedad fontWeight en el nodo oculto de tipo rcttext en reaccionar-nativo y no hay cadenas en el código para fontWeight
Logró solucionarlo? tengo mismo error
In Android I am getting:
Error while updating property 'fontWeight in shadow node of type: AndroidTextinput java.lang.Double cannot be cast to java.lang.String
Anything for this?
In Android I am getting:
Error while updating property 'fontWeight in shadow node of type: AndroidTextinput java.lang.Double cannot be cast to java.lang.String
Anything for this?
Same problem for me
In Android I am getting: Error while updating property 'fontWeight in shadow node of type: AndroidTextinput java.lang.Double cannot be cast to java.lang.String Anything for this?
Same problem for me
Same for me
I have found the issue. The issue was that I had fontWeight styling on a TextInput from react-native. When removing it, the issue was resolved.
I saw that in typescript definition of the TextInput component it says that style attribute is style?: StyleProp<TextStyle> | undefined
, so I don't know why fontWeight is the issue here.
If someone has the answer why fontWeight on TextInput is giving us a hard time, let us know please.
I know that the main title of this issue if regarding 'fontSize', so I'm guessing that somewhere in your code is fontSize assigned to something that it shouldn't be.
OS: Android 6.0.1 (real device, not emulator) react-native-vector-icons: ^7.0.0 react: 16.11.0, react-native: 0.62.2,
The issue is rather simple. Whenever I use
, get the error,Error while updating property 'fontSize' in shadow node of type: RCTText
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