oblador / react-native-vector-icons

Customizable Icons for React Native with support for image source and full styling.
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Including a custom icon set as part of the build #1453

Open tibbe opened 1 year ago

tibbe commented 1 year ago




I have included a custom icon set I've created like so:


import {createIconSetFromIcoMoon} from 'react-native-vector-icons';

import icoMoonConfig from '../../assets/fonts/selection.json';
export default createIconSetFromIcoMoon(icoMoonConfig);

The .ttf and .json files are both in PROJECT_ROOT/assets/fonts. I've copied the .ttf file to android/app/src/main/assets/fonts (and that worked fine until I updated the .ttf file).

Everything worked fine until I overwrote my .ttf file with a new one, adding some new icons. These new icons show up fine in the Android simulator but the Android release build on a real Android device doesn't pick them up. The symptom is that all icons from my old .ttf are visible but none of the new ones are. I've unziped the bundle to double-check that the new .ttf is there and it is.

I'm at a loss here. What's the right way to include and update a custom .ttf font file using this package? Is there some caching on-device (of the font?) that could cause the new font to not get used?


N/A. Internal app/font set.