oblador / react-native-vector-icons

Customizable Icons for React Native with support for image source and full styling.
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Issue Report: Incorrect Icon Returned in "react-native-vector-icons/Feather" #1555

Closed rituoctifi closed 1 month ago

rituoctifi commented 9 months ago

Issue Description I would like to report an issue that I have encountered while using the "react-native-vector-icons/Feather" library. The problem is related to the incorrect icon being returned when the name prop is used to specify the icon in my React Native application.

Environment Library: react-native-vector-icons/Feather Version: "^9.2.0", "^10.0.0" React Native Version: "0.67.5"

Expected Behavior I expect that when I specify the name of an icon using the name prop, the correct icon from the "Feather" icon set should be displayed in my application.

Steps to Reproduce To reproduce this issue, follow these steps:

Import the "react-native-vector-icons/Feather" library in your React Native application and use the Icon component in your JSX, specifying the name prop with the name of an icon from the "Feather" icon set.

import Icon from 'react-native-vector-icons/Feather';

<Icon name="check-circle" size={30} color="#000" />

Actual Behavior The icon displayed on the screen is not the expected "check-circle" icon from the "Feather" icon set. Instead, a different icon is displayed.

Additional Information

  1. I have tried using different icon names, but the problem persists.
  2. I have also ensured that I have tested the latest version of the "react-native-vector-icons" library as well.
  3. Short list of icons that are not working expectedly : twitter —> video-off , edit —> facebook, edit-2 —> fast-forword, filter —> git-branch, gitlab —> home, lock —> message-circle

Screenshots or Code Samples Screenshot 2023-09-22 at 3 30 29 pm

Conclusion This issue is causing a disruption in the expected functionality of my React Native application. I would appreciate it if the maintainers of the "react-native-vector-icons/Feather" library could investigate and resolve this issue promptly. If additional information or assistance is needed, please do not hesitate to reach out to me.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

rituoctifi commented 8 months ago

Do we have any lead on this issue? Is someone looking into this? Replies are appreciated.

johnf commented 8 months ago

@rituoctifi Is this on a new project or did you experience this in an upgrade? I suspect that while you have upgraded the library you haven't updated the font file included in your project

johnf commented 1 month ago

Please re-open if you can provide more info in the future.