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Availability Monitoring #5

Open jh-a opened 5 years ago

jh-a commented 5 years ago

As referred to in #3 and #4, every call to an ASPSP resource can be used as an indicator of availability. The results from these need to be collated at 4 levels

Authorisation Server Resource Server Authentication Portal Enterprise Layer

As each of these is exercised by the various flows, any failures should immediately be recorded. Once a particular resource has failed to respond correctly 5x, this should then;

  1. Be logged as downtime
  2. Cause an alert to reflect that the particular ASPSP may be experiencing downtime.

This data will need to be stored (see API spec for writing to data store) so that historical downtime can be analysed per brand.

Additionally, this will need to be available to an alerting function which can be subscribed to via webhook

jh-a commented 5 years ago

c.f. https://documenter.getpostman.com/view/2456834/RWgm2L9q#dfd45402-b850-467f-9965-3127c3c90ccf