Closed pmidford closed 2 years ago
Agnostic or agonistic?
On Jan 13, 2018 12:36 AM, "Peter E. Midford" wrote:
This is a list of terms from ABO that we (Anne, Sue, Peter) wish to include in NBO. These terms are all subsumed by (terminal on the tree relative to) existing NBO terms. There are a small number of terms that we propose to insert within the NBO hierarchy, but those will come in a later issue.
Each of these terms has been assigned an identifier from the block of identifiers assigned to @dosumis during the workshop in DC in October 2015. We have used only 300 of this range, so there will be plenty for VFB to use in the future. These include approximately 10 terms that were not in the version of ABO that we used for the preliminary merge at that workshop. I have manually assigned these the next IDs in sequence. Terms to add Term Parent Term Term ID Agnostic alarm Agnostic behavior NBO_0020145 Agnostic buffering Agnostic behavior NBO_0020112 Agnostic chase Agnostic behavior NBO_0020141 appeasement Agnostic behavior NBO_0020279 assessment behavior Agnostic behavior NBO_0020093 coercion Agnostic behavior NBO_0020063 contact aggression Agnostic behavior NBO_0020033 displacement behavior Agnostic behavior NBO_0020255 escalation Agnostic behavior NBO_0020182 exclusion Agnostic behavior NBO_0020220 injure (injuring) Agnostic behavior NBO_0020111 kill (killing) Agnostic behavior NBO_0020018 threat Agnostic behavior NBO_0020108 triumph Agnostic behavior NBO_0020239 Aposematism Protective behavior NBO_0020287 bluff Protective behavior NBO_0020031 create refuge Protective behavior NBO_0020105 misdirect predator Protective behavior NBO_0020219 deploy defense Protective behavior NBO_0020117 (predator) detection notification Protective behavior NBO_0020289 display condition (to predator) Protective behavior NBO_0020077 distress signaling Protective behavior NBO_0020149 enhance crypsis Protective behavior NBO_0020139 feign death Protective behavior NBO_0020199 flee Protective behavior NBO_0020268 inspect predator Protective behavior NBO_0020223 mimicry enhancement Protective behavior NBO_0020245 jamming Protective behavior NBO_0020079 occupy refuge Protective behavior NBO_0020059 promote confusion Protective behavior NBO_0020251 reduce activity Protective behavior NBO_0020175 attack predator Protective behavior NBO_0020230 vigilance Protective behavior NBO_0020037 warn other prey Protective behavior NBO_0020015 Nutrient acquisition Hunger motivation behavior NBO_0020282 Nutrient locating Hunger motivation behavior NBO_0020188 Nutrient preparation Hunger motivation behavior NBO_0020291 Resource advertisement Hunger motivation behavior NBO_0020088 Social acquisition of food Hunger motivation behavior NBO_0020177 capturing (behavior) Predatory behavior NBO_0020292 chase prey capturing behavior NBO_0020040 capturing prey capturing behavior NBO_0020293 construct capturing device capturing behavior NBO_0020137 flush prey capturing behavior NBO_0020045 stalk prey capturing behavior NBO_0020160 aiding digestion Nutrient acquisition NBO_0020007 dealing with toxins Nutrient acquisition NBO_0020142 food storage Nutrient acquisition NBO_0020068 caching behavior Food storage NBO_0020294 trail following to resource Nutrient locating NBO_0020096 food exposure Nutrient locating NBO_0020170 recovery from cache Nutrient locating NBO_0020144 food extraction Nutrient preparation NBO_0020286 food processing Nutrient preparation NBO_0020295 suitability assessment Nutrient preparation NBO_0020091 beg food Social acquisition of food NBO_0020034 scrounge Social acquisition of food NBO_0020296 scavenge Social acquisition of food NBO_0020297 share food Social acquisition of food NBO_0020173 cooling behavior Thermoregulation behavior NBO_0020159 mate finding behavior Reproductive behavior NBO_0020084 sexual interference Reproductive behavior NBO_0020298 mate rejection Reproductive behavior NBO_0020299 sexual harassment Reproductive behavior NBO_0020254 hunt for mate mate finding behavior NBO_0020272 reproductive status assessment Mate finding behavior NBO_0020010 mate sampling Mate finding behavior NBO_0020281 insert genital plug sexual interference NBO_0020047 sperm scraping sexual interference NBO_0020109 breeding site selection Mating behavior NBO_0020273 courtship begging Courtship behavior NBO_0020098 courtship feeding Courtship behavior NBO_0020264 mating appeasement Courtship behavior NBO_0020253 sexual cannibalism Courtship behavior NBO_0020101 mating solicitation Mating receptivity NBO_0020241 broadcast advertisement Sexual display behavior NBO_0020023 build display structure Sexual display behavior NBO_0020242 mate guarding Post mating behavior NBO_0020054 pair affirmation Post mating behavior NBO_0020071 mouth brooding Post mating behavior NBO_0020102 gamete release function Sexual Activity NBO_0020066 facilitating oviposition Sexual Activity NBO_0020048 insemination copulation NBO_0020121 mating amplexus gamete release function NBO_0020204 spawning gemete release function NBO_0020174 spermatophore deposition gamete release function NBO_0020266 agnostic alarm behavioral alarm NBO_0020145 Definitions
Agnostic alarm - Alarm behavior triggered by agonistic actions or postures
Agnostic buffering - Carrying or manipulation of infants or equivalent items to reduce chances of aggression on carrier by other animals
Agnostic chase - Chasing of one animal by another during an agonistic conflict
appeasement - Behaviors that appear to signifiy lack of hostility and to reduce chances of attack (ISBN:0849320054)
assessment behavior - A signal or behavior correlated with fighting ability and thus predictive of outcome (ISBN:0849320054)
capturing prey - Behavior that results in ending flight of prey with successful predation
coercion - Forcible alteration of behavior of one animal by another.
contact aggression - Agonistic behavior involving direct physical contact including (but not limited to) biting, kicking, grabbing.
displacement behavior - An acitvity that seems irrelevant to its behavioral context to a human observer and often occurs when its performer is in a conflict situation
escalation - Increasing intensity of directed agonistic behavior.
exclusion - Behavior that serves to exlude an animal from a group
injure (injuring) - Behavior in which one animal causes bodily damage to another.
kill (killing) - Behavior in which one animal causes the death of another.
threat - Behavior that signifies hostility and predicts an increased probability of attack (ISBN:0849320054).
triumph - Display behavior by the winner of a prior agonistic contest.
Aposematism - Conspicuous postures or signals (often coloration) that potential predators learn to associate with strong defense mechanisms of performer
bluff - Threat that will not be acted upon.
create refuge - Construction of a structure in which builder can benefit from reduced predation risk and/or environmental stress.
misdirect predator - Behaviors directed towards presumed predators to redirect their attention away from a location of importance to the performer
deploy defense - use of behavioral tactics or chemical weapons to deter predation. Example: flashing eye spots (behavioral tactic) or expulsion of noxious liquid (chemical)
(predator) detection notification - Postures or signals that can communicate to predator that it has been detected by performer
display condition (to predator) - Performance of behaviors that demonstrate physical condition of performer to a detected predator
distress signaling - Signals emitted by an animal trapped or captured by a presumed predator
enhance crypsis - Behaviors that reduce detectability of performer against background
feign death - Become immobile and reduce other evidence of living state
flee - Depart [from] current location of predator
inspect predator - Conspicuous orientation towards and/or approach to detected predator
mimicry enhancement - Behaviors, anatomical structures, or signals that imitate aposematic animals, plants, or inanimate objects that are undesirable to predators of performer
jamming - Emission of signals in such a way as to prevent effective use of signals emitted by other parties
occupy refuge - Currently reside in constructed or existing structure that provides reduced predator and/or environmental risk
promote confusion - Erratic movements or similar behaviors that would confuse a predator.
reduce activity - Halting or diminution of activity to minimize detection by predator.
attack predator - Perform physically violent acts on a presumed predator
vigilance - Surveillance for presence or approach of predators
warn other prey - Postures or signals that alert other animals to presence or approach of a predator.
Nutrient acquisition - Behaviors related to acquisition and utilization of external resources.
Nutrient locating - Movement directed to the detection of new resources.
Nutrient preparation - Behavior that precedes and facilitates attaining food
Resource advertisement - Postures or signals performed to other animals to indicate the presence, and in some cases, the location, quantity, and quality, of a resource
Social acquisition of food - Obtaining food that has been procured by other conspecifics or heterospecifics.
capturing (behavior) - Suite of behaviors involved in securing a prey item once it has been located.
chase prey - Active pursuit of fleeing prey.
capturing prey - Behaviors that result in ending flight of prey with successful predation.
construct capturing device - Building of a trap, web, net, or other structure to help ensnare potential food items
flush prey - Behaviors in which predator forces potential prey to emerge from cover.
stalk prey - Approach to prey in manner designed to avoid early detection by prey.
aiding digestion - consumption of specific compounds that facilitate processing of food items
dealing with toxins - The identification, avoidance, or neutralization of toxic substances in food
food storage - Caching or hoarding of food for later use and for protection from competitors, or use of specific substrates for cultivation.
caching behavior - The act of putting a food resource in a location in which it can be stored or protected until a future time
follow trail to resource - Locomotion to a resource guided by visual or olfactory cues created by a prior finder and/or user of that resource.
food exposure - Behaviors that reveal a hidden food resource, such as digging, cracking, or breaking.
recovery from cache - Removal of food resource from previously-stored supply of food.
food extraction - Removal of food items from location by use of appendage or tool.
food processing - Behaviors that prepare food for consumption, such as nut-cracking or peeling
suitability assessment - Sensory assessment of a resource, (usually using olfaction or taste), for suitability of subsequent usage
beg food - Perform behaviors that may induce one or more other animals to share food with the performer
scrounge - Uninvited taking of food from another animal
scavenge - Behavior associated with locating and acquiring food that has been killed or procured by another animal.
share food - Behaviors in which animals solicit or allow other animals to utilize a resource they currently control
cooling behavior - Behaviors that serve to reduce body temperature as by moving to shade or panting
mate finding behavior - Active search for possible mates
sexual interference - Usually interference by members of one sex in the completion of courtship or mating activities by one or more members of the same sex
mate rejection - Behavior associated with refusing courtship or solicitation behaviors by avoidance, retreat, or other active repulsion of suitor.
sexual harassment - Any of several behaviors directed towards one animal unwilling to mate by another eager to do so
hunt for mate - active searching of potential mate
reproductive status assessment - Assessment of cues and signals from encountered individual to determine reproductive condition
mate sampling - General category of behaviors including sampling of medium to detect presence of possible mates, and sampling of encountered individuals to determine mate suitability
insert genital plug - Behavior associated with deposition of material by male following ejaculation to block access to female's reproductive tract during her future matings.
sperm scraping - use of specialized male organs to remove sperm already deposited in female's reproductive tract.
breeding site selection - Actions resulting in establishment or use of one locale for reproductive activity
courtship begging - Behavior by one animals soliciting food provision by a potential mate
courtship feeding - provision of food to a potential mate
mating appeasement - Behavior that serves to demonstrate non-aggressive intent by one member of a courting or potentially mating pair to the other.
sexual cannibalism - Consumption of one member of a mating pair, usually the male, usually after the mating
mating solicitation - Performance of a behavior that indicates the performer's willingness to mate or bond
broadcast advertisement - Signal or behavior that reveals presence of the signaller directed to multiple receivers and not limited to particular receivers
build display structure - Creation of or modification of a structure or area that is used in attraction of mates
mate guarding - One member of a recently mating pair prevents the other from subsequent matings with other individuals
pair affirmation - displays or other behaviors performed by pairs in longer term pair bonds to advertise relationship to each other and to other animals nearby
mouth brooding - Process of retaining developing eggs in the mouth cavity
gamete release function - Facilitating release or transfer of gametes
facilitating oviposition - Deposition of eggs either into the medium, or onto a substrate
insemination - Insertion of sperm not in a spermatophore into female body
mating amplexus - Spawning in which male and female are clasped or attached to ensure close proximity of released gametes
spawning - Release of gametes one or both sexes into the ambient medium
spermatophore deposition - Deposition of spermatophore either on substrate or in body of female
agnostic alarm - Alarm behavior triggered by agonistic actions or postures
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yikes Agonistic!
Anne B. Clark, Ph.D. Biological Sciences Binghamton University Binghamton, NY 13902 1-607-777-6228, Fax -777-6521 C. 607-222-0905
We are speaking where we stand and we shall stand afterwards in the presence of what we have said.--Wendell Berry—"Standing By Words"
On Jan 13, 2018, at 9:14 AM, David Osumi-Sutherland wrote:
Agnostic or agonistic?
On Jan 13, 2018 12:36 AM, "Peter E. Midford" wrote:
This is a list of terms from ABO that we (Anne, Sue, Peter) wish to include in NBO. These terms are all subsumed by (terminal on the tree relative to) existing NBO terms. There are a small number of terms that we propose to insert within the NBO hierarchy, but those will come in a later issue.
Each of these terms has been assigned an identifier from the block of identifiers assigned to @dosumis during the workshop in DC in October 2015. We have used only 300 of this range, so there will be plenty for VFB to use in the future. These include approximately 10 terms that were not in the version of ABO that we used for the preliminary merge at that workshop. I have manually assigned these the next IDs in sequence. Terms to add Term Parent Term Term ID Agnostic alarm Agnostic behavior NBO_0020145 Agnostic buffering Agnostic behavior NBO_0020112 Agnostic chase Agnostic behavior NBO_0020141 appeasement Agnostic behavior NBO_0020279 assessment behavior Agnostic behavior NBO_0020093 coercion Agnostic behavior NBO_0020063 contact aggression Agnostic behavior NBO_0020033 displacement behavior Agnostic behavior NBO_0020255 escalation Agnostic behavior NBO_0020182 exclusion Agnostic behavior NBO_0020220 injure (injuring) Agnostic behavior NBO_0020111 kill (killing) Agnostic behavior NBO_0020018 threat Agnostic behavior NBO_0020108 triumph Agnostic behavior NBO_0020239 Aposematism Protective behavior NBO_0020287 bluff Protective behavior NBO_0020031 create refuge Protective behavior NBO_0020105 misdirect predator Protective behavior NBO_0020219 deploy defense Protective behavior NBO_0020117 (predator) detection notification Protective behavior NBO_0020289 display condition (to predator) Protective behavior NBO_0020077 distress signaling Protective behavior NBO_0020149 enhance crypsis Protective behavior NBO_0020139 feign death Protective behavior NBO_0020199 flee Protective behavior NBO_0020268 inspect predator Protective behavior NBO_0020223 mimicry enhancement Protective behavior NBO_0020245 jamming Protective behavior NBO_0020079 occupy refuge Protective behavior NBO_0020059 promote confusion Protective behavior NBO_0020251 reduce activity Protective behavior NBO_0020175 attack predator Protective behavior NBO_0020230 vigilance Protective behavior NBO_0020037 warn other prey Protective behavior NBO_0020015 Nutrient acquisition Hunger motivation behavior NBO_0020282 Nutrient locating Hunger motivation behavior NBO_0020188 Nutrient preparation Hunger motivation behavior NBO_0020291 Resource advertisement Hunger motivation behavior NBO_0020088 Social acquisition of food Hunger motivation behavior NBO_0020177 capturing (behavior) Predatory behavior NBO_0020292 chase prey capturing behavior NBO_0020040 capturing prey capturing behavior NBO_0020293 construct capturing device capturing behavior NBO_0020137 flush prey capturing behavior NBO_0020045 stalk prey capturing behavior NBO_0020160 aiding digestion Nutrient acquisition NBO_0020007 dealing with toxins Nutrient acquisition NBO_0020142 food storage Nutrient acquisition NBO_0020068 caching behavior Food storage NBO_0020294 trail following to resource Nutrient locating NBO_0020096 food exposure Nutrient locating NBO_0020170 recovery from cache Nutrient locating NBO_0020144 food extraction Nutrient preparation NBO_0020286 food processing Nutrient preparation NBO_0020295 suitability assessment Nutrient preparation NBO_0020091 beg food Social acquisition of food NBO_0020034 scrounge Social acquisition of food NBO_0020296 scavenge Social acquisition of food NBO_0020297 share food Social acquisition of food NBO_0020173 cooling behavior Thermoregulation behavior NBO_0020159 mate finding behavior Reproductive behavior NBO_0020084 sexual interference Reproductive behavior NBO_0020298 mate rejection Reproductive behavior NBO_0020299 sexual harassment Reproductive behavior NBO_0020254 hunt for mate mate finding behavior NBO_0020272 reproductive status assessment Mate finding behavior NBO_0020010 mate sampling Mate finding behavior NBO_0020281 insert genital plug sexual interference NBO_0020047 sperm scraping sexual interference NBO_0020109 breeding site selection Mating behavior NBO_0020273 courtship begging Courtship behavior NBO_0020098 courtship feeding Courtship behavior NBO_0020264 mating appeasement Courtship behavior NBO_0020253 sexual cannibalism Courtship behavior NBO_0020101 mating solicitation Mating receptivity NBO_0020241 broadcast advertisement Sexual display behavior NBO_0020023 build display structure Sexual display behavior NBO_0020242 mate guarding Post mating behavior NBO_0020054 pair affirmation Post mating behavior NBO_0020071 mouth brooding Post mating behavior NBO_0020102 gamete release function Sexual Activity NBO_0020066 facilitating oviposition Sexual Activity NBO_0020048 insemination copulation NBO_0020121 mating amplexus gamete release function NBO_0020204 spawning gemete release function NBO_0020174 spermatophore deposition gamete release function NBO_0020266 agnostic alarm behavioral alarm NBO_0020145 Definitions
Agnostic alarm - Alarm behavior triggered by agonistic actions or postures
Agnostic buffering - Carrying or manipulation of infants or equivalent items to reduce chances of aggression on carrier by other animals
Agnostic chase - Chasing of one animal by another during an agonistic conflict
appeasement - Behaviors that appear to signifiy lack of hostility and to reduce chances of attack (ISBN:0849320054)
assessment behavior - A signal or behavior correlated with fighting ability and thus predictive of outcome (ISBN:0849320054)
capturing prey - Behavior that results in ending flight of prey with successful predation
coercion - Forcible alteration of behavior of one animal by another.
contact aggression - Agonistic behavior involving direct physical contact including (but not limited to) biting, kicking, grabbing.
displacement behavior - An acitvity that seems irrelevant to its behavioral context to a human observer and often occurs when its performer is in a conflict situation
escalation - Increasing intensity of directed agonistic behavior.
exclusion - Behavior that serves to exlude an animal from a group
injure (injuring) - Behavior in which one animal causes bodily damage to another.
kill (killing) - Behavior in which one animal causes the death of another.
threat - Behavior that signifies hostility and predicts an increased probability of attack (ISBN:0849320054).
triumph - Display behavior by the winner of a prior agonistic contest.
Aposematism - Conspicuous postures or signals (often coloration) that potential predators learn to associate with strong defense mechanisms of performer
bluff - Threat that will not be acted upon.
create refuge - Construction of a structure in which builder can benefit from reduced predation risk and/or environmental stress.
misdirect predator - Behaviors directed towards presumed predators to redirect their attention away from a location of importance to the performer
deploy defense - use of behavioral tactics or chemical weapons to deter predation. Example: flashing eye spots (behavioral tactic) or expulsion of noxious liquid (chemical)
(predator) detection notification - Postures or signals that can communicate to predator that it has been detected by performer
display condition (to predator) - Performance of behaviors that demonstrate physical condition of performer to a detected predator
distress signaling - Signals emitted by an animal trapped or captured by a presumed predator
enhance crypsis - Behaviors that reduce detectability of performer against background
feign death - Become immobile and reduce other evidence of living state
flee - Depart [from] current location of predator
inspect predator - Conspicuous orientation towards and/or approach to detected predator
mimicry enhancement - Behaviors, anatomical structures, or signals that imitate aposematic animals, plants, or inanimate objects that are undesirable to predators of performer
jamming - Emission of signals in such a way as to prevent effective use of signals emitted by other parties
occupy refuge - Currently reside in constructed or existing structure that provides reduced predator and/or environmental risk
promote confusion - Erratic movements or similar behaviors that would confuse a predator.
reduce activity - Halting or diminution of activity to minimize detection by predator.
attack predator - Perform physically violent acts on a presumed predator
vigilance - Surveillance for presence or approach of predators
warn other prey - Postures or signals that alert other animals to presence or approach of a predator.
Nutrient acquisition - Behaviors related to acquisition and utilization of external resources.
Nutrient locating - Movement directed to the detection of new resources.
Nutrient preparation - Behavior that precedes and facilitates attaining food
Resource advertisement - Postures or signals performed to other animals to indicate the presence, and in some cases, the location, quantity, and quality, of a resource
Social acquisition of food - Obtaining food that has been procured by other conspecifics or heterospecifics.
capturing (behavior) - Suite of behaviors involved in securing a prey item once it has been located.
chase prey - Active pursuit of fleeing prey.
capturing prey - Behaviors that result in ending flight of prey with successful predation.
construct capturing device - Building of a trap, web, net, or other structure to help ensnare potential food items
flush prey - Behaviors in which predator forces potential prey to emerge from cover.
stalk prey - Approach to prey in manner designed to avoid early detection by prey.
aiding digestion - consumption of specific compounds that facilitate processing of food items
dealing with toxins - The identification, avoidance, or neutralization of toxic substances in food
food storage - Caching or hoarding of food for later use and for protection from competitors, or use of specific substrates for cultivation.
caching behavior - The act of putting a food resource in a location in which it can be stored or protected until a future time
follow trail to resource - Locomotion to a resource guided by visual or olfactory cues created by a prior finder and/or user of that resource.
food exposure - Behaviors that reveal a hidden food resource, such as digging, cracking, or breaking.
recovery from cache - Removal of food resource from previously-stored supply of food.
food extraction - Removal of food items from location by use of appendage or tool.
food processing - Behaviors that prepare food for consumption, such as nut-cracking or peeling
suitability assessment - Sensory assessment of a resource, (usually using olfaction or taste), for suitability of subsequent usage
beg food - Perform behaviors that may induce one or more other animals to share food with the performer
scrounge - Uninvited taking of food from another animal
scavenge - Behavior associated with locating and acquiring food that has been killed or procured by another animal.
share food - Behaviors in which animals solicit or allow other animals to utilize a resource they currently control
cooling behavior - Behaviors that serve to reduce body temperature as by moving to shade or panting
mate finding behavior - Active search for possible mates
sexual interference - Usually interference by members of one sex in the completion of courtship or mating activities by one or more members of the same sex
mate rejection - Behavior associated with refusing courtship or solicitation behaviors by avoidance, retreat, or other active repulsion of suitor.
sexual harassment - Any of several behaviors directed towards one animal unwilling to mate by another eager to do so
hunt for mate - active searching of potential mate
reproductive status assessment - Assessment of cues and signals from encountered individual to determine reproductive condition
mate sampling - General category of behaviors including sampling of medium to detect presence of possible mates, and sampling of encountered individuals to determine mate suitability
insert genital plug - Behavior associated with deposition of material by male following ejaculation to block access to female's reproductive tract during her future matings.
sperm scraping - use of specialized male organs to remove sperm already deposited in female's reproductive tract.
breeding site selection - Actions resulting in establishment or use of one locale for reproductive activity
courtship begging - Behavior by one animals soliciting food provision by a potential mate
courtship feeding - provision of food to a potential mate
mating appeasement - Behavior that serves to demonstrate non-aggressive intent by one member of a courting or potentially mating pair to the other.
sexual cannibalism - Consumption of one member of a mating pair, usually the male, usually after the mating
mating solicitation - Performance of a behavior that indicates the performer's willingness to mate or bond
broadcast advertisement - Signal or behavior that reveals presence of the signaller directed to multiple receivers and not limited to particular receivers
build display structure - Creation of or modification of a structure or area that is used in attraction of mates
mate guarding - One member of a recently mating pair prevents the other from subsequent matings with other individuals
pair affirmation - displays or other behaviors performed by pairs in longer term pair bonds to advertise relationship to each other and to other animals nearby
mouth brooding - Process of retaining developing eggs in the mouth cavity
gamete release function - Facilitating release or transfer of gametes
facilitating oviposition - Deposition of eggs either into the medium, or onto a substrate
insemination - Insertion of sperm not in a spermatophore into female body
mating amplexus - Spawning in which male and female are clasped or attached to ensure close proximity of released gametes
spawning - Release of gametes one or both sexes into the ambient medium
spermatophore deposition - Deposition of spermatophore either on substrate or in body of female
agnostic alarm - Alarm behavior triggered by agonistic actions or postures
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— You are receiving this because you were assigned. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub, or mute the thread
Ugh. Fixed.
CC @matentzn - We should work on patternising these following
These terms have been added, so I will close this. However, there are at least two issues related to these terms: one is David's comment about patternizing them, a second is that I've noticed some incorrect assertions of disjointness among these terms that need to be discussed. I'll write a ticket about the second and unless David wants to create the ticket for patternizing (which I generally agree with), I'll write that later this week.
This is a list of terms from ABO that we (Anne, Sue, Peter) wish to include in NBO. These terms are all subsumed by (terminal on the tree relative to) existing NBO terms. There are a small number of terms that we propose to insert within the NBO hierarchy, but those will come in a later issue.
Each of these terms has been assigned an identifier from the block of identifiers assigned to @dosumis during the workshop in DC in October 2015. We have used only 300 of this range, so there will be plenty for VFB to use in the future. These include approximately 10 terms that were not in the version of ABO that we used for the preliminary merge at that workshop. I have manually assigned these the next IDs in sequence.
Terms to add
Agnostic alarm - Alarm behavior triggered by agonistic actions or postures
Agnostic buffering - Carrying or manipulation of infants or equivalent items to reduce chances of aggression on carrier by other animals
Agnostic chase - Chasing of one animal by another during an agonistic conflict
appeasement - Behaviors that appear to signifiy lack of hostility and to reduce chances of attack
assessment behavior - A behavior on the part of one individual associated with evaluating the fighting ability or correlates of fighting ability of a potential opponent
capturing prey - Behavior that results in ending flight of prey with successful predation
coercion - Forcible alteration of behavior of one animal by another.
contact aggression - Agonistic behavior involving direct physical contact including (but not limited to) biting, kicking, grabbing.
displacement behavior - An acitvity that seems irrelevant to its behavioral context to a human observer and often occurs when its performer is in a conflict situation
escalation - Increasing intensity of directed agonistic behavior.
exclusion - Behavior that serves to exlude an animal from a group
injure (injuring) - Behavior in which one animal causes bodily damage to another.
kill (killing) - Behavior in which one animal causes the death of another.
threat - Behavior that signifies hostility and predicts an increased probability of attack
triumph - Display behavior by the winner of a prior agonistic contest.
Aposematism - Conspicuous postures or signals (often coloration) that potential predators learn to associate with strong defense mechanisms of performer
bluff - Threat that will not be acted upon.
create refuge - Construction of a structure in which builder can benefit from reduced predation risk and/or environmental stress.
misdirect predator - Behaviors directed towards presumed predators to redirect their attention away from a location of importance to the performer
deploy defense - use of behavioral tactics or chemical weapons to deter predation. Example: flashing eye spots (behavioral tactic) or expulsion of noxious liquid (chemical)
(predator) detection notification - Postures or signals that can communicate to predator that it has been detected by performer
display condition (to predator) - Performance of behaviors that demonstrate physical condition of performer to a detected predator
distress signaling - Signals emitted by an animal trapped or captured by a presumed predator
enhance crypsis - Behaviors that reduce detectability of performer against background
feign death - Become immobile and reduce other evidence of living state
flee - Depart [from] current location of predator
inspect predator - Conspicuous orientation towards and/or approach to detected predator
mimicry enhancement - Behaviors, anatomical structures, or signals that imitate aposematic animals, plants, or inanimate objects that are undesirable to predators of performer
jamming - Emission of signals in such a way as to prevent effective use of signals emitted by other parties
occupy refuge - Currently reside in constructed or existing structure that provides reduced predator and/or environmental risk
promote confusion - Erratic movements or similar behaviors that would confuse a predator.
reduce activity - Halting or diminution of activity to minimize detection by predator.
attack predator - Perform physically violent acts on a presumed predator
vigilance - Surveillance for presence or approach of predators
warn other prey - Postures or signals that alert other animals to presence or approach of a predator.
Nutrient acquisition - Behaviors related to acquisition and utilization of external resources.
Nutrient locating - Movement directed to the detection of new resources.
Nutrient preparation - Behavior that precedes and facilitates attaining food
Resource advertisement - Postures or signals performed to other animals to indicate the presence, and in some cases, the location, quantity, and quality, of a resource
Social acquisition of food - Obtaining food that has been procured by other conspecifics or heterospecifics.
capturing (behavior) - Suite of behaviors involved in securing a prey item once it has been located.
chase prey - Active pursuit of fleeing prey.
capturing prey - Behaviors that result in ending flight of prey with successful predation.
construct capturing device - Building of a trap, web, net, or other structure to help ensnare potential food items
flush prey - Behaviors in which predator forces potential prey to emerge from cover.
stalk prey - Approach to prey in manner designed to avoid early detection by prey.
aiding digestion - consumption of specific compounds that facilitate processing of food items
dealing with toxins - The identification, avoidance, or neutralization of toxic substances in food
food storage - Caching or hoarding of food for later use and for protection from competitors, or use of specific substrates for cultivation.
caching behavior - The act of putting a food resource in a location in which it can be stored or protected until a future time
follow trail to resource - Locomotion to a resource guided by visual or olfactory cues created by a prior finder and/or user of that resource.
food exposure - Behaviors that reveal a hidden food resource, such as digging, cracking, or breaking.
recovery from cache - Removal of food resource from previously-stored supply of food.
food extraction - Removal of food items from location by use of appendage or tool.
food processing - Behaviors that prepare food for consumption, such as nut-cracking or peeling
suitability assessment - Sensory assessment of a resource, (usually using olfaction or taste), for suitability of subsequent usage
beg food - Perform behaviors that may induce one or more other animals to share food with the performer
scrounge - Uninvited taking of food from another animal
scavenge - Behavior associated with locating and acquiring food that has been killed or procured by another animal.
share food - Behaviors in which animals solicit or allow other animals to utilize a resource they currently control
cooling behavior - Behaviors that serve to reduce body temperature as by moving to shade or panting
mate finding behavior - Active search for possible mates
sexual interference - Usually interference by members of one sex in the completion of courtship or mating activities by one or more members of the same sex
mate rejection - Behavior associated with refusing courtship or solicitation behaviors by avoidance, retreat, or other active repulsion of suitor.
sexual harassment - Any of several behaviors directed towards one animal unwilling to mate by another eager to do so
hunt for mate - active searching of potential mate
reproductive status assessment - Assessment of cues and signals from encountered individual to determine reproductive condition
mate sampling - General category of behaviors including sampling of medium to detect presence of possible mates, and sampling of encountered individuals to determine mate suitability
insert genital plug - Behavior associated with deposition of material by male following ejaculation to block access to female's reproductive tract during her future matings.
sperm scraping - use of specialized male organs to remove sperm already deposited in female's reproductive tract.
breeding site selection - Actions resulting in establishment or use of one locale for reproductive activity
courtship begging - Behavior by one animals soliciting food provision by a potential mate
courtship feeding - provision of food to a potential mate
mating appeasement - Behavior that serves to demonstrate non-aggressive intent by one member of a courting or potentially mating pair to the other.
sexual cannibalism - Consumption of one member of a mating pair, usually the male, usually after the mating
mating solicitation - Performance of a behavior that indicates the performer's willingness to mate or bond
broadcast advertisement - Signal or behavior that reveals presence of the signaller directed to multiple receivers and not limited to particular receivers
build display structure - Creation of or modification of a structure or area that is used in attraction of mates
mate guarding - One member of a recently mating pair prevents the other from subsequent matings with other individuals
pair affirmation - displays or other behaviors performed by pairs in longer term pair bonds to advertise relationship to each other and to other animals nearby
mouth brooding - Process of retaining developing eggs in the mouth cavity
gamete release function - Facilitating release or transfer of gametes
facilitating oviposition - Deposition of eggs either into the medium, or onto a substrate
insemination - Insertion of sperm not in a spermatophore into female body
mating amplexus - Spawning in which male and female are clasped or attached to ensure close proximity of released gametes
spawning - Release of gametes one or both sexes into the ambient medium
spermatophore deposition - Deposition of spermatophore either on substrate or in body of female
agnostic alarm - Alarm behavior triggered by agonistic actions or postures
Mentioning @swmargulis here so she sees this issue.