obonaventure / cnp3

Computer Networking : Principles, Protocols and Practice (first and second edition, third edition is being written on https://github.com/cnp3/ebook)
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problems with book-2nd/protocols/ssh.rst #275

Open gregbo opened 2 years ago

gregbo commented 2 years ago

There are several problems with this page. First, include the hyphen ('-') between Diffie and Hellman wherever it occurs. Next, correct the last sentence of the last (full) paragraph on the page to:

computer2 would then accept Alice's session without asking for her credentials.

Finally, carefully define and explain the terms that are used to generate the keys. I would suggest using the Diffie-Hellman Wikipedia page as a reference.

obonaventure commented 2 years ago

Please look at github.com/cnp3/ebook which is more up to date

gregbo commented 2 years ago

Alright, I'll do that. I was mostly concerned that there is a lot of detail left out of the explanation of the Diffie-Hellman method, such as the special properties of the g, a, and p terms.

gregbo commented 2 years ago

I made some changes in gregbo/ebook/protocols/ssh.rst that give more explanation of the terms and a pointer to RFC 4253 that gives additional information.