obophenotype / Wao

worm gross anatomy
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Need appropriate WBbt class for GO 'tail tip morphogenesis' #2

Open cmungall opened 9 years ago

cmungall commented 9 years ago



is this the right one?

  is_a WBbt:0005766 ! Anatomy
   is_a WBbt:0005738 ! body region
    is_a WBbt:0005741 ! tail
     po WBbt:0006977 ! tail ganglion
     po WBbt:0006978 ! tail hypodermis
     po WBbt:0006979 ! tail spike **

id: WBbt:0006979
name: tail spike
namespace: worm_anatomy
def: "an acellular thin cuticle whip formed at the very end of the tail during embryogenesis." [WB:rynl, WBPaper:00038216]
comment: LINKOUT::WORMATLAS::<http://www.wormatlas.org/ver1/handbook/hypodermis/hypsupportother.htm#tailspikecells>
relationship: part_of WBbt:0005741 ! tail
raymond91125 commented 9 years ago

tail spike is a structure shared by both C. elegans sexes until the onset of male-specific morphogenesis. thus this is not the right term to be linked to the GO term in question. we should add a "male tail" term.