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Review Large Intestine 1.1 log #11

Open emquardokus opened 2 years ago

emquardokus commented 2 years ago


TONS of errors due to underscore instead of colon used with uberon ID Example: WARNING - Unrecognised cell content 'UBERON_0000314'

This looks like it should result in New term request as there are 3 separate and distinct type of taenia coli: free, mes https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taenia_coli

Oddly only 1 warning is appearing and all 3 are in ASCT+B table with same uberon ID Rows 763-765 of https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1tK916JyG5ZSXW_cXfsyZnzXfjyoN-8B2GXLbYD6_vF0/edit#gid=512613979

n WARNING Different labels uberongraph ASCT+B table c
1 WARNING - Different labels found for UBERON:0012419. Uberongraph: taenia coli; ASCT+b table: omental coli

"The taenia libera, is placed anteriorly in the caecum, ascending, descending and sigmoid colon, but is placed inferiorly in the transverse colon. The taenia mesocolica is present on the posteromedial surface of caecum, ascending, descending and sigmoid colon, but is placed posteriorly on transverse colon at the site of attachment of transverse mesocolon. The taenia omentalis is situated posterolaterally in caecum, ascending, descending and sigmoid colon, but is situated on the anterosuperior surface of transverse colon where layers three and four of the greater omentum meet the transverse colon. "

2 WARNING - Different labels found for UBERON:0012399. Uberongraph: large intestine smooth muscle longitudinal layer ; ASCT+b table: longitudinal muscle layer
3 WARNING - Different labels found for UBERON:0001003. Uberongraph: skin epidermis ; ASCT+b table: epidermis

New term requests need to be made to specify different regional differences in mucosa, submucosa, subserosa, serosa , muscularis mucosa, lamina propria along large intestine are needed; many things currently are generic mucosa of colon, which is better than just mucosa etc

4 WARNING - Different labels found for UBERON:0004989. Uberongraph: mucosa of appendix ; ASCT+b table: mucosa

This should be mucosa of ileocecal valve ; it was incorrectly chosen as mucosa of appendix

5 WARNING - Different labels found for UBERON:0012498. Uberongraph: serosa of appendix ; ASCT+b table: serosa

This should be serosa of ileocecal valve ; incorrectly chosen as serosa of appendix

Synonym additions 6.crypt, intestinal crypt and crypt of Lieberkuhn of colon are the same 7.spelling variant caecum vs cecum; both are correct 6 WARNING - Different labels found for UBERON:0013485. Uberongraph: crypt of Lieberkuhn of colon ; ASCT+b table: crypt
7 WARNING - Different labels found for UBERON:0001153. Uberongraph: caecum ; ASCT+b table: cecum
New term request needed; higher specificity than uberon--multiple terms 8 WARNING - Different labels found for UBERON:0005304. Uberongraph: submucous nerve plexus ; ASCT+b table: submucosal plexus of Henle

According to literature, there were some discussions about attribution, so now they are called inner (Meissner's) and outer (Schabadasch's or Henle's) submucous nerve plexus, but either way 2 distinct plexus and in humans a 3rd one is present compared to other mammals according to Timmermans 2001.

Timmermans, Jean-Pierre, Jurgen Hens, and Dirk Adriaensen. 2001. “Outer Submucous Plexus: An Intrinsic Nerve Network Involved in Both Secretory and Motility Processes in the Intestine of Large Mammals and Humans.” The Anatomical Record 262 (1): 71–78. https://doi.org/10.1002/1097-0185(20010101)262:1<71::AID-AR1012>3.0.CO;2-A.


Hoyle, C H, and G Burnstock. 1989. “Neuronal Populations in the Submucous Plexus of the Human Colon.” Journal of Anatomy 166 (October): 7–22. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1256735/pdf/janat00044-0015.pdf The submucous plexus appeared to contain three identifiable plexuses: Henle's plexus was located adjacent to the circular muscle layer, Meissner's plexus was located adjacent to the muscularis mucosae and a third intermediate plexus was found which lay closer to the muscularis mucosae than to the circular muscle.

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New term requests for more specific regional area of large intestine Currently only lamina propria of mucosa of colon exists,

9 WARNING - Different labels found for UBERON:0007177. Uberongraph: lamina propria of mucosa of colon ; ASCT+b table: lamina propria

New term request for lamina propria of mucosa of appendix

10 WARNING - Different labels found for UBERON:0003342. Uberongraph: mucosa of anal canal ; ASCT+b table: mucosa

Changed instances for anal canal

New term requests for other regions of colon:

Table Spoke with table author Teri Longacre, MD together with David OS; much redundancy within large intestine along different sections, but distinct molecular signatures, so should be represented with each section. In the absence of the proper specific term for the region an inappropriate generic term was selected for organ as opposed to region--many new term requests for these to be added as github issues in uberon.

n s slabel user_slabel o olabel user_olabel
1 UBERON:0000569 ileocecal valve cecum UBERON:0000059 large intestine large intestine
2 UBERON:0004989 mucosa of appendix mucosa UBERON:0000569 ileocecal valve cecum
3 UBERON:0000397 colonic epithelium lymphocyte UBERON:0004989 mucosa of appendix mucosa
4 UBERON:0011184 epithelium of crypt of Lieberkuhn epithelium UBERON:0004989 mucosa of appendix mucosa
5 UBERON:0000317 colonic mucosa mucosa UBERON:0000569 ileocecal valve cecum
6 UBERON:0000397 colonic epithelium lymphocyte UBERON:0000317 colonic mucosa mucosa
7 UBERON:0013485 crypt of Lieberkuhn of colon crypt UBERON:0000317 colonic mucosa mucosa
8 UBERON:0007177 lamina propria of mucosa of colon lamina propria UBERON:0000317 colonic mucosa mucosa
9 UBERON:0001962 gut-associated lymphoid tissue gut associated lymphoid tissue (GALT)/Isolated lymphoid follicles (ILF) UBERON:0000317 colonic mucosa mucosa
10 UBERON:0007178 muscularis mucosae of colon muscularis mucosa UBERON:0000569 ileocecal valve cecum
11 UBERON:0003331 submucosa of colon submucosa UBERON:0000569 ileocecal valve cecum
12 UBERON:0003331 submucosa of colon submucosa UBERON:0003331 submucosa of colon submucosa
13 UBERON:0001962 gut-associated lymphoid tissue gut associated lymphoid tissue (GALT)/Isolated lymphoid follicles (ILF) UBERON:0003331 submucosa of colon submucosa
14 UBERON:0012375 subserosa subserosa UBERON:0000569 ileocecal valve cecum
15 UBERON:0003335 serosa of colon serosa UBERON:0000569 ileocecal valve cecum
16 UBERON:0012375 subserosa subserosa UBERON:0001153 caecum cecum
17 UBERON:0003335 serosa of colon serosa UBERON:0001153 caecum cecum
18 UBERON:0004989 mucosa of appendix mucosa UBERON:0001154 vermiform appendix appendix
19 UBERON:0013485 crypt of Lieberkuhn of colon crypt UBERON:0004989 mucosa of appendix mucosa
20 UBERON:0007177 lamina propria of mucosa of colon lamina propria UBERON:0004989 mucosa of appendix mucosa
21 UBERON:0001962 gut-associated lymphoid tissue gut associated lymphoid tissue (GALT)/Isolated lymphoid follicles (ILF) UBERON:0004989 mucosa of appendix mucosa
22 UBERON:0007178 muscularis mucosae of colon muscularis mucosa UBERON:0001154 vermiform appendix appendix
23 UBERON:0003331 submucosa of colon submucosa UBERON:0004928 submucosa of appendix submucosa
24 UBERON:0001962 gut-associated lymphoid tissue gut associated lymphoid tissue (GALT)/Isolated lymphoid follicles (ILF) UBERON:0004928 submucosa of appendix submucosa
25 UBERON:0003331 submucosa of colon submucosa UBERON:0001154 vermiform appendix appendix
26 UBERON:0012489 muscle layer of colon muscularis propria UBERON:0001154 vermiform appendix appendix
27 UBERON:0012375 subserosa subserosa UBERON:0001154 vermiform appendix appendix
28 UBERON:0003335 serosa of colon serosa UBERON:0012498 serosa of appendix serosa
29 UBERON:0004989 mucosa of appendix mucosa UBERON:0001156 ascending colon ascending colon
30 UBERON:0000317 colonic mucosa mucosa UBERON:0001156 ascending colon ascending colon
31 UBERON:0007178 muscularis mucosae of colon muscularis mucosa UBERON:0001156 ascending colon ascending colon
32 UBERON:0003331 submucosa of colon submucosa UBERON:0001156 ascending colon ascending colon
33 UBERON:0012489 muscle layer of colon muscularis propria UBERON:0001156 ascending colon ascending colon
34 UBERON:0012375 subserosa subserosa UBERON:0001156 ascending colon ascending colon
35 UBERON:0012419 taenia coli omental coli UBERON:0001156 ascending colon ascending colon
36 UBERON:0003335 serosa of colon serosa UBERON:0001156 ascending colon ascending colon
37 UBERON:0004989 mucosa of appendix mucosa UBERON:0022277 hepatic flexure of colon hepatic flexure
38 UBERON:0000317 colonic mucosa mucosa UBERON:0022277 hepatic flexure of colon hepatic flexure
39 UBERON:0007178 muscularis mucosae of colon muscularis mucosa UBERON:0022277 hepatic flexure of colon hepatic flexure
40 UBERON:0003331 submucosa of colon submucosa UBERON:0022277 hepatic flexure of colon hepatic flexure
41 UBERON:0012489 muscle layer of colon muscularis propria UBERON:0022277 hepatic flexure of colon hepatic flexure
42 UBERON:0012375 subserosa subserosa UBERON:0022277 hepatic flexure of colon hepatic flexure
43 UBERON:0012419 taenia coli omental coli UBERON:0022277 hepatic flexure of colon hepatic flexure
44 UBERON:0003335 serosa of colon serosa UBERON:0022277 hepatic flexure of colon hepatic flexure
45 UBERON:0004989 mucosa of appendix mucosa UBERON:0001157 transverse colon transverse colon
46 UBERON:0000317 colonic mucosa mucosa UBERON:0001157 transverse colon transverse colon
47 UBERON:0007178 muscularis mucosae of colon muscularis mucosa UBERON:0001157 transverse colon transverse colon
48 UBERON:0003331 submucosa of colon submucosa UBERON:0001157 transverse colon transverse colon
49 UBERON:0012489 muscle layer of colon muscularis propria UBERON:0001157 transverse colon transverse colon
50 UBERON:0012375 subserosa subserosa UBERON:0001157 transverse colon transverse colon
51 UBERON:0012419 taenia coli omental coli UBERON:0001157 transverse colon transverse colon
52 UBERON:0004989 mucosa of appendix mucosa UBERON:0022276 splenic flexure of colon splenic flexure
53 UBERON:0000317 colonic mucosa mucosa UBERON:0022276 splenic flexure of colon splenic flexure
54 UBERON:0007178 muscularis mucosae of colon muscularis mucosa UBERON:0022276 splenic flexure of colon splenic flexure
55 UBERON:0003331 submucosa of colon submucosa UBERON:0022276 splenic flexure of colon splenic flexure
56 UBERON:0012489 muscle layer of colon muscularis propria UBERON:0022276 splenic flexure of colon splenic flexure

Muscle 1| UBERON:0012489 | muscle layer of colon | muscularis propria | UBERON:0000569 | ileocecal valve | cecum 2|UBERON:0012398 | large intestine smooth muscle circular layer | circular muscle layer | UBERON:0012489 | muscle layer of colon | muscularis propria 3|UBERON:0012399 | large intestine smooth muscle longitudinal layer | longitudinal muscle layer | UBERON:0012489 | muscle layer of colon | muscularis propria 4|UBERON:0007178 | muscularis mucosae of colon | muscularis mucosa | UBERON:0001153 | caecum | cecum 5|UBERON:0012489 | muscle layer of colon | muscularis propria | UBERON:0001153 | caecum | cecum

Vasculature, lymph vessel n s slabel user_slabel o olabel user_olabel
Nerve--see discussion with citations above in Errors section for proper resolution n s slabel user_slabel o olabel user_olabel
1 UBERON:0005304 submucous nerve plexus submucosal plexus of Henle UBERON:0003331 submucosa of colon submucosa
2 UBERON:0002439 myenteric nerve plexus myenteric plexus of Auerbach UBERON:0012489 muscle layer of colon muscularis propria
3 UBERON:0005304 submucous nerve plexus submucosal plexus of Henle UBERON:0004928 submucosa of appendix submucosa


emquardokus commented 2 years ago

1) Corrected 1537 instances of Uberon_ to UBERON: across 12 ASCT+B tables that caused this type of error: Example: WARNING - Unrecognised cell content 'UBERON_0000314'

2) Changed instances of "submucosa of colon" to "submucosa of anal canal" rwos 1211-1227 in ASCT+B table.

3) Several errors are due to lack of synonyms; made notes in review. Examples: a) crypt, intestinal crypt and crypt of Lieberkuhn of colon are the same b) spelling variant caecum vs cecum; both are correct

4) Several errors are resulting from lack of regional specificity in layers throughout large intestine. According to discussion with domain expert with David, these can be added as there are histological and molecular differences that warrant adding new terms for regions of colon for mucosa, submucosa, lamina propria, subserosa, serosa (note distal rectum does NOT have serosa)

5) Errors in general due to lack of specificity or acknowledgement of multiple types of a particular structure: Example taeniae coli---there are 3 distinct types, only generic is in uberon.

6) Error mismatch uberon ID and uberon label; Changed label for anal canal--> epithelium --> to anal canal epithelium UBERON:0015716.

emquardokus commented 1 year ago

Large Intestine v1.3 DRAFT table corrections made:

  1. 13 instances of surface intraepithelial CD8+ lymphocyte gamma/delta CL:0008364 had non-existent CL ID, did not show as obsolete, do not know where CL ID came from. Mapped instead to CD8-alpha alpha positive, gamma-delta intraepithelial T cell CL:0000802

  2. 26 instances of interstitial cell of Cajal was incorrectly mapped to pericyte CL:0000669 pericyte; corrected interstitial cell of Cajal interstitial cell of Cajal CL:0002088

emquardokus commented 1 year ago

Problem: Why are all of these immune cells mapped to this term?

B cell lymphocyte of large intestine lamina propria CL:0009018
CD4+ T cell lymphocyte of large intestine lamina propria CL:0009018
regulatory CD4+ T cell lymphocyte of large intestine lamina propria CL:0009018
CD8+ T cell lymphocyte of large intestine lamina propria CL:0009018