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Review Lung v1.1 table #13

Open emquardokus opened 2 years ago

emquardokus commented 2 years ago

Error log: 9969 entries!

Mainly redundant errors with easy fixes in ASCT+B tables: 1) TONS of UBERON: space number Example: WARNING - Unrecognised cell content 'UBERON: 0010368' 2) TONS of blank spaces Example: WARNING - Unrecognised cell content '' 3) Wondering if there is a match case issue? TONS of errors that appear like font case issues. Example: WARNING - Unrecognised cell content 'Uberon:0008953' this checks correctly to content of cell but Uberon, not UBERON.

New Error Log run 10-27-2021 1)Main errors are now reduced to FMA and LungMAP ontology specific LMHA ids, plus the specific handful of errors from before. Example lungMAP ontology IDs: WARNING - Unrecognised cell content 'LMHA:00142' 2) Looks like conflicts with font case (capital vs lowercase) for the remaining errors.

FMA entries as opposed to UBERON 1) TONS of FMA entries because supposedly not found in UBERON (some due to laterality R/L) 2) Inconsistent entry with no space, with colon or 2 colon WARNING - Unrecognised cell content 'fma31933' WARNING - Unrecognised cell content 'fma:7380' WARNING - Unrecognised cell content 'fma::7401'

Different labels found in Uberongraph vs ASCT+B table--triaged categories. Legitimate errors: that warrant attention Are these errors due to font case issue? uberon all lower case, ASCT+B table case each word capitalized first letter? WARNING - Different labels found for UBERON:0002177. Uberongraph: right main bronchus ; ASCT+b table: Right Main Bronchus WARNING - Different labels found for UBERON:0002171. Uberongraph: lower lobe of right lung ; ASCT+b table: Lower Lobe of Right Lung WARNING - Different labels found for UBERON:0002178. Uberongraph: left main bronchus ; ASCT+b table: Left Main Bronchus WARNING - Different labels found for UBERON:0002048. Uberongraph: lung ; ASCT+b table: Lung WARNING - Different labels found for UBERON:0002168. Uberongraph: left lung ; ASCT+b table: Left Lung WARNING - Different labels found for UBERON:0001004. Uberongraph: respiratory system ; ASCT+b table: Respiratory System WARNING - Different labels found for UBERON:0003126. Uberongraph: trachea ; ASCT+b table: Trachea WARNING - Different labels found for UBERON:0005317. Uberongraph: pulmonary artery endothelium ; ASCT+b table: Pulmonary artery endothelium WARNING - Different labels found for UBERON:0008874. Uberongraph: pulmonary acinus ; ASCT+b table: Pulmonary Acinus WARNING - Different labels found for UBERON:0002167. Uberongraph: right lung ; ASCT+b table: Right Lung

laterality specified in ASCT+B but not in uberon WARNING - Different labels found for UBERON:0002184. Uberongraph: segmental bronchus ; ASCT+b table: Right Apical Segmental Bronchus

lung instead of respiratory system used in label WARNING - Different labels found for UBERON:0012418. Uberongraph: respiratory system venous smooth muscle ; ASCT+b table: lung venous smooth muscle WARNING - Different labels found for UBERON:0012416. Uberongraph: respiratory system arterial smooth muscle ; ASCT+b table: lung arterial smooth muscle

misspelling of capillary with 3 "l" in ASCT+B table WARNING - Different labels found for UBERON:0016405. Uberongraph: pulmonary capillary ; ASCT+b table: pulmonary capilllary

Tables n s slabel user_slabel o olabel user_olabel
1 UBERON:0002339 epithelium of lobar bronchus bronchial epithelium UBERON:0002177 right main bronchus Right Main Bronchus
2 UBERON:0004242 bronchus smooth muscle bronchial smooth muscle UBERON:0002177 right main bronchus Right Main Bronchus
3 UBERON:0001102 cartilage of main bronchus cartilagenous plate UBERON:0002177 right main bronchus Right Main Bronchus
4 UBERON:0004889 lobar bronchus vasculature bronchial vessels UBERON:0002177 right main bronchus Right Main Bronchus
5 UBERON:0019190 mucous gland of lung bronchial submucosal gland UBERON:0002177 right main bronchus Right Main Bronchus
6 UBERON:0002339 epithelium of lobar bronchus bronchial epithelium UBERON:0002178 left main bronchus Left Main Bronchus
7 UBERON:0004242 bronchus smooth muscle bronchial smooth muscle UBERON:0002178 left main bronchus Left Main Bronchus
8 UBERON:0001102 cartilage of main bronchus cartilagenous plate UBERON:0002178 left main bronchus Left Main Bronchus
9 UBERON:0019190 mucous gland of lung bronchial submucosal gland UBERON:0002178 left main bronchus Left Main Bronchus
10 UBERON:0002339 epithelium of lobar bronchus bronchial epithelium UBERON:0002184 segmental bronchus Right Apical Segmental Bronchus
11 UBERON:0004242 bronchus smooth muscle bronchial smooth muscle UBERON:0002184 segmental bronchus Right Apical Segmental Bronchus
12 UBERON:0004884 lobar bronchus mesenchyme bronchial mesenchyme UBERON:0002184 segmental bronchus Right Apical Segmental Bronchus
13 UBERON:0001102 cartilage of main bronchus cartilagenous plate UBERON:0002184 segmental bronchus Right Apical Segmental Bronchus
14 UBERON:0019190 mucous gland of lung bronchial submucosal gland UBERON:0002184 segmental bronchus Right Apical Segmental Bronchus
15 UBERON:0004903 bronchoalveolar duct junction Bronchoalveolar duct junction UBERON:0002187 terminal bronchiole Terminal/ Transitional Bronchioles
16 UBERON:0002173 pulmonary alveolar duct Alveolar Ducts UBERON:0008874 pulmonary acinus Pulmonary Acinus

The rest are blood or lymph vasculature related

n s slabel user_slabel o olabel user_olabel
1 UBERON:0007149 inferior thyroid artery inferior thyroid artery UBERON:0003505 trachea blood vessel trachea blood vessel
2 UBERON:0002040 bronchial artery bronchial artery UBERON:0003505 trachea blood vessel trachea blood vessel
3 UBERON:0004848 respiratory system arterial endothelium respiratory system arterial endothelium UBERON:0002040 bronchial artery bronchial artery
4 UBERON:0012416 respiratory system arterial smooth muscle respiratory system arterial smooth muscle UBERON:0002040 bronchial artery bronchial artery
5 UBERON:0007156 inferior thyroid vein inferior thyroid vein UBERON:0003505 trachea blood vessel trachea blood vessel
6 UBERON:0001592 bronchial vein bronchial vein UBERON:0003505 trachea blood vessel trachea blood vessel
7 UBERON:0004849 respiratory system venous endothelium respiratory system venous endothelium UBERON:0001592 bronchial vein bronchial vein
8 UBERON:0012418 respiratory system venous smooth muscle respiratory system venous smooth muscle UBERON:0001592 bronchial vein bronchial vein
9 UBERON:0005317 pulmonary artery endothelium Pulmonary arterial endothelium UBERON:0001651 right pulmonary artery Right Main Pulmonary Artery
10 UBERON:0004889 lobar bronchus vasculature bronchial vessels UBERON:0002178 left main bronchus Left Main Bronchus
11 UBERON:0002040 bronchial artery bronchial artery UBERON:0004889 lobar bronchus vasculature bronchial vessels
12 UBERON:0004695 arterial system smooth muscle arterial system smooth muscle UBERON:0002040 bronchial artery bronchial artery
13 UBERON:0001592 bronchial vein bronchial vein UBERON:0004889 lobar bronchus vasculature bronchial vessels
14 UBERON:0004696 venous system smooth muscle venous system smooth muscle UBERON:0001592 bronchial vein bronchial vein
15 UBERON:0005317 pulmonary artery endothelium Pulmonary arterial endothelium UBERON:0001652 left pulmonary artery Left Main Pulmonary Artery
16 UBERON:0004889 lobar bronchus vasculature bronchial vessels UBERON:0002184 segmental bronchus  
17 UBERON:0016405 pulmonary capillary Alveolar capillaries UBERON:0008870 pulmonary alveolar parenchyma Alveoli
18 UBERON:0003529 respiratory system lymphatic vessel endothelium respiratory system lymphatic vessel endothelium UBERON:0018227 pulmonary lymphatic vessel pulmonary lymphatic vessel
19 UBERON:0004296 respiratory system lymphatic vessel smooth muscle respiratory system lymphatic vessel smooth muscle UBERON:0018227 pulmonary lymphatic vessel pulmonary lymphatic vessel
emquardokus commented 2 years ago

Resolved in ASCT+B tables directly errors associated with spaces, capitalization, single, double colon within uberon ID 3258 instances of Uberon: space number replaced across 2 sheets; 76 instances of capilllary misspelled with 3 l's across 2 sheets; 2011 instances of no space, one colon or 2 colons fma, convert to all fma: one colon. 81 instance of lower case uberon, substitute upper case UBERON.

emquardokus commented 2 years ago

1) Reviewed new errors file 10-27-2021 reduced to FMA and LMHA ID instances---these represent some laterality, but remember Lung Right is different than Lung Left. LMHA ontology has relationships that should be updated in uberon, but this is a much larger endeavor beyond scope of Year 4 Q2 of MC-IU team. 2) Still noticing the remainder of errors mostly look like a case sensitive flagging as opposed to content errors.