obophenotype / bio-attribute-ontology

source files for OBA (Ontology of Biological Attributes)
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Update imports and definitions.owl #331

Closed matentzn closed 1 month ago

matentzn commented 1 month ago

@ar-ibrahim can you please fix this PR? I need it for #314

ar-ibrahim commented 1 month ago

Fixed these 2 errors:

biological-attribute-child-violation OBA:2045328
biological-attribute-child-violation OBA:VT0003501

in https://github.com/obophenotype/bio-attribute-ontology/pull/328, waiting to see if it's the right fix.

rays22 commented 1 month ago

Fixed these 2 errors:

biological-attribute-child-violation OBA:2045328 biological-attribute-child-violation OBA:VT0003501

in #328, waiting to see if it's the right fix.

@ar-ibrahim , I have added the two updates for OBA:2045328 and OBA:VT0003501 here, because we need them to fix the current PR. In turn, we need to fix this PR (#331), before we can deal with #328.

rays22 commented 1 month ago

The remaining dosdp workflow error seems to be somehow related tolipidmaps.owl and some recent changes in dosdp.yml.

robot --catalog catalog-v001.xml merge  -i tmp/sl_subclassof.ttl  -i tmp/sl_metadata.ttl  -i tmp/sl_partof.ttl  -i tmp/sl_haspart.ttl  -i tmp/sl_subclasslipid.ttl reason reduce convert  --output mirror/swisslipids.owl
if [ false = true ] ; then robot --catalog catalog-v001.xml template  \
    --prefix "LM: https://bioregistry.io/lipidmaps:" \
     --template ../templates/lipidmaps.tsv \
    annotate --ontology-iri http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/oba/mirror/lipidmaps.owl annotate -V http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/oba/releases/2024-05-07/mirror/lipidmaps.owl --annotation owl:versionInfo 2024-05-07 convert -f ofn --output mirror/lipidmaps.owl.tmp.owl && mv mirror/lipidmaps.owl.tmp.owl mirror/lipidmaps.owl; fi
robot --catalog catalog-v001.xml merge  -i mirror/ro.owl  -i mirror/chebi.owl  -i mirror/goplus.owl  -i mirror/go.owl  -i mirror/pato.owl  -i mirror/omo.owl  -i mirror/hp.owl  -i mirror/mondo.owl  -i mirror/ncbitaxon.owl  -i mirror/uberon.owl  -i mirror/cl.owl  -i mirror/nbo.owl  -i mirror/pr.owl  -i mirror/so.owl  -i mirror/po.owl  -i mirror/bfo.owl  -i mirror/swisslipids.owl  -i mirror/lipidmaps.owl  -o mirror/merged.owl
mirror/lipidmaps.owl (No such file or directory)
Use the -vvv option to show the stack trace.
Use the --help option to see usage information.
make: *** [Makefile:623: mirror/merged.owl] Error 1
Error: Process completed with exit code 2.
##[debug]Finishing: Run ontology QC checks
matentzn commented 1 month ago

seems like you are using IMP=false, also add MIR=false if you dont want to refresh mirrors (recent breaking change in ODK)