obophenotype / brain_data_standards_ontologies

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[NTR-pcl] L4 IT (Mus MOp) #226

Open shawntanzk opened 2 years ago

shawntanzk commented 2 years ago

Preferred term label: L4 intratelencephalic projecting glutamatergic neuron of the primary motor cortex (Mus musculus)

Synonyms L4 IT MOp (Mus)

Definition (free text, please give PubMed ID in format PMID:XXXXXX) An intratelencephalic-projecting glutamatergic neuron that is located in the boundary between L2/3 and L5 of the primary motor cortex. These cells have diverse morphologies with some pyramidal and some stellate cells. PMID:33184512

Parent cell type term (check the hierarchy here https://www.ebi.ac.uk/ols/ontologies/cl): glutamatergic neuron

What is the anatomical structure that the cell is a part of? Please check Uberon: https://www.ebi.ac.uk/ols/ontologies/uberon http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/UBERON_0001384 - Primary Motor Cortex *has some soma location, can specify layer

Your nano-attribution (ORCID)

Any additional notes or concerns xref:(ILX:0770172) Subclass of L2/3-6 IT projecting neuron #878

Not sure if I should include the following information:

Likely corresponded to the quasi-L4 neurons described previously in the motor cortex. PMID:25525751.

The paper quoted also writes: (1) input of primary thalamocortical (TC) axons from VL and PO; (2) output to excitatory neurons in other layers, especially L2/3; (3) largely unidirectional L4→2/3 projections (i.e., little input in return from L2/3), and often, although not as a strict rule, (4) a paucity of long-range corticocortical inputs and outputs.