obophenotype / c-elegans-gross-anatomy-ontology

C. elegans Gross Anatomy Ontology
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Add PDHL/R male neuron #10

Closed chris-grove closed 4 years ago

chris-grove commented 5 years ago

Preferred term label



Phasmid D neuron Phasmid D neuron left Phasmid D neuron right

Textual definition

PHD A neuron class of 2 bilateral, cholinergic, peptidergic, male-specific, ciliated neurons generated by transdifferentiation from a male PHso1 glial cell in the late L4 larval stage of a male C. elegans animal.

PHDL The left PHD neuron of the pair of bilateral PHD neurons in a male C. elegans animal.

PHDR The right PHD neuron of the pair of bilateral PHD neurons in a male C. elegans animal.

Paper in review at eLife; BoRXiv preprint here: https://www.biorxiv.org/content/biorxiv/early/2019/05/01/285320.full.pdf

"Together, these data demonstrate that the male PHso1 glial cells transdifferentiate into a novel class of ciliated neurons which we have termed phasmid D neurons (PHDs)."

"The data presented here extend John Sulston’s original observations and demonstrate that male PHso1 cells undergo a direct glia-to-neuron transdifferentiation to produce a novel class of bilateral cholinergic, peptidergic and ciliated sensory neurons, the phasmid D neurons."

Suggested parent term

ciliated neuron (WBbt:0006816) male-specific (WBbt:0005757) cholinergic neuron (WBbt:0006840)

chris-grove commented 4 years ago

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