obophenotype / c-elegans-gross-anatomy-ontology

C. elegans Gross Anatomy Ontology
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
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Create 'gonad arm' class that is a superclass of both 'anterior gonad arm' and 'posterior gonad arm' #13

Closed chris-grove closed 4 years ago

chris-grove commented 5 years ago

For new term requests, please provide the following information:

Preferred term label

gonad arm

Textual definition

One arm (males) or one of two arms (anterior or posterior in hermaphrodites) of the gonad, generally consisting of a core of germline cells surrounded by an outer somatic epithelium (somatic gonad), comprised of the gonad sheath (ovary), spermatheca, uterus (oviduct) and vulva in the hermaphrodite, or gonadal sheath, seminal vesicle and cloaca in the male.


Tissue (WBbt:0005729)