obophenotype / cell-ontology

An ontology of cell types
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[NTR]glial restricted tripotential precursor cell; chorionic girdle cell; enteric glial cell #1913

Closed paulacalipho closed 1 year ago

paulacalipho commented 1 year ago

Term: glial restricted tripotential precursor cell Synonyms: exact: glial restricted precursor PMID:10719353 exact: tripotential glial-restricted precursor cell PMID:11921204 exact: GRP cell PMID:11756508 Definition: Glial restricted tripotential precursor cells are a type of glial precursor cells that can generate oligodendrocytes, type-1 astrocytes, and type-2 astrocytes. They express A2B5, nestin, FGFR-1, 2, and 3, PLP, and DM-20 antigens. They can be isolated from spinal cord at early stages of embryonic development. Unlike O-2A cells, the glial-restricted tripotential precursor cells do not initially express PDGFR-alpha and can differentiate into both A2B51/GFAP1 and A2B52/GFAP1 astrocytes. PMID:10719353 SubClass Of: progenitor cell CL_0011026 neuron associated cell (sensu Vertebrata) CL_0000123 develops_from glioblast (sensu Vertebrata) CL_0000339 -> check if correct https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0819-0473

Term: chorionic girdle cell Definition: Chorionic girdle cells are horse-specific highly invasive trophoblast cells that invade the endometrium where they form endometrial cups. PMID:27280409, PMID:35328607 SubClass Of: trophoblast cell CL_0000351 'part of' chorion membrane UBERON_0003124" Notes: Pregnancy-specific glycoproteins (PSGs) are members of the carcinoembryonic antigen cell adhesion molecule (CEACAM) family that are secreted by trophoblast cells. PSGs are found in species that have a highly invasive (hemochorial) placentation including humans, mice, and rats. Horses, which has a non-invasive epitheliochorial placenta, except for the transient endometrial cup, express PSG-like CEACAMs. Phylogenetic analysis suggests that PSGs from humans and rodents and PSG-like from horses evolved independently. The microenvironment of invasive equine trophoblast cells has striking similarities to the microenvironment of trophoblast cells in hemochorial placentas, suggesting that equine PSG-like CEACAMs and rodent and primate PSGs have undergone convergent evolution. PMID:27280409 https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0819-0473

Term: enteric glial cell Synonyms: exact: enteroglial cell PMID:11169131 exact: EGC PMID:3700564 Definition: The enteric glial cells are support for the enteric nervous system. In addition they are involved in enteric neurotransmission, they have an important role in maintaining the integrity of the mucosal barrier of the gut and may serve as a link between the nervous and immune systems of the gut. PMID:17483847 PMID:16336493 SubClass Of : glial cell CL_0000125 https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0819-0473

ghost commented 1 year ago

Three (3) new cell types have been added and will be available in the next CL release.

CL:4040000 ‘glial restricted tripotential precursor cell’ CL:4040001 ‘chorionic girdle cell’ CL:4040002 ‘enteroglial cell’