obophenotype / cell-ontology

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[NTR] Astrocyte-restricted precursor #2435

Open ANiknejad opened 1 month ago

ANiknejad commented 1 month ago

Please check that the term does not already exist by using the ontology search tool OLS: https://www.ebi.ac.uk/ols4/ontologies/cl --> not available

Preferred term label astrocyte-restricted precursor

Synonyms (add reference(s), please) ARP


Definition (free text, with reference(s), please. PubMed ID format is PMID:XXXXXX) tentative definition: A neural precursor cell that undergoes a gliogenic switch to generate astrocytes. https://www.frontiersin.org/journals/cell-and-developmental-biology/articles/10.3389/fcell.2023.1063843/full

Parent cell type term (check the hierarchy here https://www.ebi.ac.uk/ols4/ontologies/cl) is_a: CL:0000123 ! neuron associated cell (sensu Vertebrata) is_a: CL:0000030 ! glioblast ?? is_a: CL:0011026 ! progenitor cell

Anatomical structure where the cell type is found (check Uberon for anatomical structures: https://www.ebi.ac.uk/ols4/ontologies/uberon) UBERON:0000955 ! brain

Your ORCID https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3308-6245

Additional notes or concerns It exists CL:4040000 glial restricted tripotential precursor cell but the definition is restricted to oligodendrocytes and type-1 and type-2 astrocytes, while there are 3 astrocyte sub-types, see https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7122459/

AvolaAmg commented 3 weeks ago

@Caroline-99 please review the definition of this cell type below:

term label: astrocyte-restricted precursor

definition: A progenitor cell of the central nervous system that differentiates exclusively onto astrocytes. This progenitor cell expresses CD44 and S100 calcium binding protein B. database_cross_reference: PMID: 33052610 PMID: 15531362

comment: In vitro this progenitor cell can differentiate from glial-restricted precursor cells. PMID: 33052610

has related synonym ARP PMID: 33052610

has related synonym APCs PMID: 33052610

has related synonym astrocyte precursor cells PMID: 33052610

Logical definition progenitor cell (neuron associated cell (sensu Vertebrata)andpart of somecentral nervous systemUBERON) develops fromROsomeglioblast (sensu Vertebrata) expresses CD44 and [S100 calcium binding protein B]

parent term: progenitor cell [neuron associated cell](sensu vertebrata)[http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/CL_0000123]

Caroline-99 commented 3 weeks ago

Everything looks good to me. I would suggest mentioning in the textual definition that they are neuron associated cells if it is in the logical definition.

AvolaAmg commented 3 weeks ago

Thank you for your review. So technically they are both progenitor cells and neuron associated cells. i want to add both in the logical definition. As the parent term is progenitor cell. If progenitor cell is in the logical definition would it be okay to have it in the description? (It is biologically more informative)

Caroline-99 commented 3 weeks ago

Yeah it would be appropriate to include "progenitor cell" in both the logical definition and the textual description.

AvolaAmg commented 3 weeks ago

Thank you Caroline! I will do!