Preferred term label
intestinal subserosal fibroblast
Synonyms (add reference(s), please)
Definition (free text, with reference(s), please. PubMed ID format is PMID:XXXXXX)
A fibroblast that is part of the subserosa of the intestine. This cell interacts with immune cells and play roles in inflammation and fibrosis. In certain conditions, such as Crohn's disease, subserosal fibroblast may differentiate into myofibroblasts.
Parent cell type term (check the hierarchy here
fibroblast (maybe - a new grouping term intestinal fibroblast could be added)
Please check that the term does not already exist by using the ontology search tool OLS:
Preferred term label intestinal subserosal fibroblast
Synonyms (add reference(s), please)
Definition (free text, with reference(s), please. PubMed ID format is PMID:XXXXXX) A fibroblast that is part of the subserosa of the intestine. This cell interacts with immune cells and play roles in inflammation and fibrosis. In certain conditions, such as Crohn's disease, subserosal fibroblast may differentiate into myofibroblasts.
PMID:23143399 PMID: 26694715 PMID: 38877292
Parent cell type term (check the hierarchy here fibroblast (maybe - a new grouping term intestinal fibroblast could be added)
Anatomical structure where the cell type is found (check Uberon for anatomical structures: subserosa - maybe a new term for subserosa of intestine is needed adjacent to serosa of intestine
Additional notes or concerns