Definition (free text, with reference(s), please. PubMed ID format is PMID:XXXXXX)
A fibroblast located in the lamina propria of the intestinal mucosa, particularly in the small intestine. This cell expresses PDGFRα and CD81 and is negative for α-smooth muscle actin (α-SMA). This cell is positioned adjacent to myofibroblasts surrounding crypts. It is capable of synthesizing extracellular matrix components and structural proteins such as collagen and elastin [PMID: 36032088] [PMID:21252048]
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Preferred term label Lamina propria fibroblast (S1)
Synonyms (add reference(s), please) S1 fibroblast [PMID:30270042]
Definition (free text, with reference(s), please. PubMed ID format is PMID:XXXXXX) A fibroblast located in the lamina propria of the intestinal mucosa, particularly in the small intestine. This cell expresses PDGFRα and CD81 and is negative for α-smooth muscle actin (α-SMA). This cell is positioned adjacent to myofibroblasts surrounding crypts. It is capable of synthesizing extracellular matrix components and structural proteins such as collagen and elastin [PMID: 36032088] [PMID:21252048]
Parent cell type term (check the hierarchy here
Anatomical structure where the cell type is found (check Uberon for anatomical structures:
Lamina propria of intestinal mucosa