Closed AvolaAmg closed 2 weeks ago
improved definition: A type of cerebellar inhibitory GABAergic interneuron that is located in the molecular layer of the cerebellum. This cell type inhibits Purkinje cells and other molecular layer interneurons.
parent cell term: cerebellar inhibitory GABAergic interneuron (CL:4023057)
has a related synonym: MLI (PMID: 33075461, PMID: 38692278, PMID: 34616064), ML (PMID: 30742002)
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Request: new term Preferred term label: Molecular layer interneurons Synonyms: MLI (PMID: 33075461, PMID: 38692278, PMID: 34616064), ML (PMID: 30742002) Definition: Molecular layer interneurons are spontaneously active interneurons that inhibit Purkinje cells as well as other MLIs. MLIs are canonically subdivided into stellate cells located in the outer third of the molecular layer, and basket cells located in the inner third of the molecular layer that synapse onto Purkinje cell somata and form specialized contacts known as pinceaus, which ephaptically inhibit Purkinje cells. (PMID: 34616064) Parent cell type term: GABAergic interneuron (CL:0011005), cerebellar neuron (CL:1001611), CNS interneuron(CL:0000402), cerebellar inhibitory GABAergic interneuron (CL:4023057) Anatomical structure where the cell type is found: cerebellum (UBERON:0002037) Child term: cerebellum basket cell (CL:2000027), cerebellar stellate cell (CL:0010010) Additional notes or concerns: This term to group cerebellar basket and stellate cells together seems mentioned enough in the literature to have its own term in CL.