obophenotype / cell-ontology

An ontology of cell types
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Migrate taxon constraints from GO to CL #706

Open cmungall opened 3 years ago

cmungall commented 3 years ago

GO frequently makes TC on classes that reference CL. Because the same CL class is reused in multiple GO classes this violates DRY.

Most of the TCs should be migrated to CL. I've included ~60 class stanzas below. The action in each case should be pretty obvious. Once this is done we can still leave redundant TCs in GO but it may be cleaner to remove (cc @pgaudet @balhoff). Some of the ones below may also be redundant with Uberon (by virtue of their parthood) but again better to err on side of redundancy.

My comments are preceded by *** in the below

id: GO:0001410
name: chlamydospore formation
namespace: biological_process
alt_id: GO:0055027
def: "The process whose specific outcome is the progression of the chlamydospore over time, from its formation to the mature structure. A chlamydospores is a mitotic (asexual) one-celled spore, produced primarily for survival, not dispersal, originating endogenously and singly within part of a pre-existing cell and possessing an inner secondary and often thickened cell wall. An example of this is found in Candida albicans." [GOC:mcc, GOC:mtg_sensu, ISBN:085199377X, PMID:14663094]
synonym: "chlamydospore development" EXACT []
is_a: GO:0048468 ! cell development
intersection_of: GO:0043936 ! asexual sporulation resulting in formation of a cellular spore
intersection_of: results_in_formation_of CL:0000726 ! chlamydospore
relationship: in_taxon NCBITaxon:4751 ! Fungi
relationship: only_in_taxon NCBITaxon:4751 ! Fungi

id: GO:0001555
name: oocyte growth
namespace: biological_process
def: "The developmental growth process in which an oocyte irreversibly increases in size over time by accretion and biosynthetic production of matter similar to that already present." [http://ovary.stanford.edu]
is_a: GO:0003006 ! developmental process involved in reproduction
is_a: GO:0048588 ! developmental cell growth
intersection_of: GO:0040007 ! growth
intersection_of: results_in_growth_of CL:0000023 ! oocyte
relationship: in_taxon NCBITaxon:33208 ! Metazoa
relationship: only_in_taxon NCBITaxon:33208 ! Metazoa
relationship: part_of GO:0048599 ! oocyte development

id: GO:0001556
name: oocyte maturation
namespace: biological_process
def: "A developmental process, independent of morphogenetic (shape) change, that is required for an oocyte to attain its fully functional state. Oocyte maturation commences after reinitiation of meiosis commonly starting with germinal vesicle breakdown, and continues up to the second meiotic arrest prior to fertilization." [GOC:devbiol, http://ovary.stanford.edu]
xref: Wikipedia:Oocyte_maturation
is_a: GO:0003006 ! developmental process involved in reproduction
is_a: GO:0048469 ! cell maturation
intersection_of: GO:0021700 ! developmental maturation
intersection_of: results_in_maturation_of CL:0000023 ! oocyte
relationship: in_taxon NCBITaxon:33208 ! Metazoa
relationship: only_in_taxon NCBITaxon:33208 ! Metazoa
relationship: part_of GO:0048599 ! oocyte development

id: GO:0007159
name: leukocyte cell-cell adhesion
namespace: biological_process
def: "The attachment of a leukocyte to another cell via adhesion molecules." [GOC:go_curators]
synonym: "leukocyte adhesion" EXACT []
synonym: "leukocyte cell adhesion" EXACT []
intersection_of: GO:0098609 ! cell-cell adhesion
intersection_of: has_participant CL:0000738 ! leukocyte
relationship: in_taxon NCBITaxon:33208 ! Metazoa
relationship: only_in_taxon NCBITaxon:33208 ! Metazoa
property_value: RO:0002161 NCBITaxon:33090
property_value: RO:0002161 NCBITaxon_Union:0000023

id: GO:0007282
name: cystoblast division
namespace: biological_process
def: "Any of the rounds of incomplete mitosis undergone by a cystoblast to form a cyst of interconnected cells." [PMID:21452446]
synonym: "cystoblast cell division" EXACT []
intersection_of: GO:0008356 ! asymmetric cell division
intersection_of: has_input CL:0000722 ! cystoblast
relationship: in_taxon NCBITaxon:6656 ! Arthropoda
relationship: only_in_taxon NCBITaxon:6656 ! Arthropoda
relationship: part_of GO:0007281 ! germ cell development

id: GO:0007297
name: ovarian follicle cell migration
namespace: biological_process
def: "The directed movement of an ovarian follicle cell that takes place during oogenesis. During egg chamber formation, follicle cells migrate to envelop the germ-line cysts and move in between cysts. At stage 10B, follicle cells migrate centripetally between the nurse cells and the oocyte, enclosing the anterior of the egg. An example of this is found in Drosophila melanogaster." [GOC:mtg_sensu, PMID:10822261]
synonym: "follicle cell migration" BROAD []
intersection_of: GO:0016477 ! cell migration
intersection_of: results_in_movement_of CL:0000477 ! follicle cell
relationship: in_taxon NCBITaxon:50557 ! Insecta
relationship: only_in_taxon NCBITaxon:50557 ! Insecta
relationship: part_of GO:0030707 ! ovarian follicle cell development

id: GO:0007300
name: ovarian nurse cell to oocyte transport
namespace: biological_process
def: "Transfer of constituents synthesized in the ovarian nurse cells to the oocyte, through the ring canals, as the egg chamber is growing. An example of this is found in Drosophila melanogaster." [GOC:mtg_sensu, ISBN:0879694238]
synonym: "nurse cell to oocyte transport" BROAD []
is_a: GO:0006810 ! transport
intersection_of: GO:0006810 ! transport
intersection_of: has_target_end_location CL:0000023 ! oocyte
intersection_of: has_target_start_location CL:0000026 ! invertebrate nurse cell
intersection_of: results_in_transport_along GO:0045172 ! germline ring canal
relationship: in_taxon NCBITaxon:50557 ! Insecta
relationship: only_in_taxon NCBITaxon:50557 ! Insecta
relationship: part_of GO:0048477 ! oogenesis

id: GO:0007400
name: neuroblast fate determination
namespace: biological_process
alt_id: GO:0007408
alt_id: GO:0043347
alt_id: GO:0043348
def: "The cell fate determination process in which a cell becomes capable of differentiating autonomously into a neuroblast cell regardless of its environment; upon determination, the cell fate cannot be reversed. An example of this process is found in Mus musculus." [GOC:go_curators]
synonym: "neuroblast cell fate determination" EXACT []
synonym: "neuroblast identity determination" EXACT []
intersection_of: GO:0001709 ! cell fate determination
intersection_of: results_in_determination_of CL:0000031 ! neuroblast
relationship: in_taxon NCBITaxon:33208 ! Metazoa
relationship: only_in_taxon NCBITaxon:33208 ! Metazoa
relationship: part_of GO:0014017 ! neuroblast fate commitment

id: GO:0007403
name: glial cell fate determination
namespace: biological_process
alt_id: GO:0043361
def: "The cell fate determination process in which a cell becomes capable of differentiating autonomously into a glial cell regardless of its environment; upon determination, the cell fate cannot be reversed." [GOC:go_curators, GOC:mtg_sensu]
is_a: GO:0001709 ! cell fate determination
intersection_of: GO:0001709 ! cell fate determination
intersection_of: results_in_determination_of CL:0000125 ! glial cell
relationship: in_taxon NCBITaxon:33208 ! Metazoa
relationship: only_in_taxon NCBITaxon:33208 ! Metazoa
relationship: part_of GO:0021781 ! glial cell fate commitment

*** Surely we can limit glial cells to at least eumetazoa (ie no porifera)? We may inherit this from uberon anyway via NS

id: GO:0007405
name: neuroblast proliferation
namespace: biological_process
alt_id: GO:0043349
alt_id: GO:0043350
def: "The expansion of a neuroblast population by cell division. A neuroblast is any cell that will divide and give rise to a neuron." [GOC:ai, GOC:mtg_sensu, GOC:sart]
is_a: GO:0061351 ! neural precursor cell proliferation
intersection_of: GO:0008283 ! cell population proliferation
intersection_of: acts_on_population_of CL:0000031 ! neuroblast
relationship: in_taxon NCBITaxon:33208 ! Metazoa
relationship: only_in_taxon NCBITaxon:33208 ! Metazoa
relationship: part_of GO:0048699 ! generation of neurons

id: GO:0007407
name: neuroblast activation
namespace: biological_process
alt_id: GO:0043351
alt_id: GO:0043352
def: "A change in the morphology or behavior of a neuroblast resulting from exposure to an activating factor such as a cellular or soluble ligand." [GOC:go_curators, GOC:mtg_sensu]
is_a: GO:0001775 ! cell activation
intersection_of: GO:0001775 ! cell activation
intersection_of: has_input CL:0000031 ! neuroblast
relationship: in_taxon NCBITaxon:33208 ! Metazoa
relationship: only_in_taxon NCBITaxon:33208 ! Metazoa
relationship: part_of GO:0048699 ! generation of neurons

id: GO:0007516
name: hemocyte development
namespace: biological_process
def: "The process whose specific outcome is the progression of the hemocyte over time, from its formation to the mature structure. Hemocytes are blood cells associated with a hemocoel (the cavity containing most of the major organs of the arthropod body) which are involved in defense and clotting of hemolymph, but not involved in transport of oxygen." [GOC:bf, GOC:mtg_sensu]
synonym: "arthropod blood cell development" EXACT []
is_a: GO:0048468 ! cell development
intersection_of: GO:0048856 ! anatomical structure development
intersection_of: results_in_development_of CL:0000387 ! hemocyte (sensu Nematoda and Protostomia)
relationship: in_taxon NCBITaxon:6656 ! Arthropoda
relationship: only_in_taxon NCBITaxon:6656 ! Arthropoda
relationship: part_of GO:0042386 ! hemocyte differentiation


id: GO:0008347
name: glial cell migration
namespace: biological_process
alt_id: GO:0043359
def: "The orderly movement of a glial cell, non-neuronal cells that provide support and nutrition, maintain homeostasis, form myelin, and participate in signal transmission in the nervous system." [GOC:jl, GOC:mtg_sensu]
synonym: "glia cell migration" EXACT []
is_a: GO:0016477 ! cell migration
intersection_of: GO:0016477 ! cell migration
intersection_of: results_in_movement_of CL:0000125 ! glial cell
relationship: in_taxon NCBITaxon:33208 ! Metazoa
relationship: only_in_taxon NCBITaxon:33208 ! Metazoa
relationship: part_of GO:0042063 ! gliogenesis

id: GO:0009986
name: cell surface
namespace: cellular_component
alt_id: GO:0009928
alt_id: GO:0009929
def: "The external part of the cell wall and/or plasma membrane." [GOC:jl, GOC:mtg_sensu, GOC:sm]
comment: Note that this term is intended to annotate gene products that are attached (integrated or loosely bound) to the plasma membrane or cell wall.
subset: goslim_pir
synonym: "cell associated" EXACT []
synonym: "cell bound" EXACT []
is_a: GO:0110165 ! cellular anatomical entity
relationship: in_taxon NCBITaxon:131567 ! cellular organisms
relationship: only_in_taxon NCBITaxon:131567 ! cellular organisms
relationship: part_of CL:0000000 ! cell


id: GO:0010001
name: glial cell differentiation
namespace: biological_process
alt_id: GO:0007404
alt_id: GO:0043360
def: "The process in which a relatively unspecialized cell acquires the specialized features of a glial cell." [GOC:go_curators, GOC:mtg_sensu]
synonym: "glia cell differentiation" EXACT []
synonym: "neuroglia differentiation" EXACT []
is_a: GO:0030154 ! cell differentiation
intersection_of: GO:0030154 ! cell differentiation
intersection_of: results_in_acquisition_of_features_of CL:0000125 ! glial cell
relationship: in_taxon NCBITaxon:33208 ! Metazoa
relationship: only_in_taxon NCBITaxon:33208 ! Metazoa
relationship: part_of GO:0042063 ! gliogenesis

id: GO:0010657
name: muscle cell apoptotic process
namespace: biological_process
def: "A form of programmed cell death induced by external or internal signals that trigger the activity of proteolytic caspases, whose actions dismantle a muscle cell and result in its death. A muscle cell is a mature contractile cell, commonly known as a myocyte, that forms one of three kinds of muscle." [CL:0000187, GOC:dph, GOC:mtg_apoptosis, GOC:tb]
synonym: "muscle cell apoptosis" NARROW []
intersection_of: GO:0006915 ! apoptotic process
intersection_of: occurs_in CL:0000187 ! muscle cell
relationship: in_taxon NCBITaxon:33208 ! Metazoa
relationship: only_in_taxon NCBITaxon:33208 ! Metazoa

id: GO:0030437
name: ascospore formation
namespace: biological_process
alt_id: GO:0007151
def: "The process in which cells that are products of meiosis acquire the specialized features of ascospores. Ascospores are generally found in clusters of four or eight spores within a single mother cell, the ascus, and are characteristic of the ascomycete fungi (phylum Ascomycota)." [GOC:di, GOC:mah, GOC:mcc, PMID:16339736]
comment: Note that ascospores and asci are separate biological structures. The ascus is the structure that contain the ascospores, but the development of the ascus is a different process than the formation of the ascospores themselves; for instance, some mutations affect sporulation without affecting ascus development. For this reason, GO:0030437 ascospore formation and GO:0075317 ascus development are different terms and are not linked.
subset: goslim_pombe
synonym: "ascospore biosynthesis" EXACT []
synonym: "spore formation" BROAD []
synonym: "sporulation" BROAD []
is_a: GO:0022413 ! reproductive process in single-celled organism
is_a: GO:0043935 ! sexual sporulation resulting in formation of a cellular spore
is_a: GO:0048468 ! cell development
intersection_of: GO:0048646 ! anatomical structure formation involved in morphogenesis
intersection_of: results_in_formation_of CL:0000607 ! ascospore
relationship: in_taxon NCBITaxon:4890 ! Ascomycota
relationship: only_in_taxon NCBITaxon:4890 ! Ascomycota


id: GO:0030707
name: ovarian follicle cell development
namespace: biological_process
def: "The process that occurs during oogenesis involving the ovarian follicle cells, somatic cells which surround the germ cells of an ovary. An example of this is found in Drosophila melanogaster." [GOC:mtg_sensu, PMID:10822261]
is_a: GO:0003006 ! developmental process involved in reproduction
is_a: GO:0048468 ! cell development
intersection_of: GO:0048468 ! cell development
intersection_of: results_in_development_of CL:0000477 ! follicle cell
relationship: in_taxon NCBITaxon:6656 ! Arthropoda
relationship: only_in_taxon NCBITaxon:6656 ! Arthropoda
relationship: part_of GO:0048477 ! oogenesis

id: GO:0030720
name: oocyte localization involved in germarium-derived egg chamber formation
namespace: biological_process
def: "Directed movement of the oocyte, following its specification, from its original central position in the cyst to a posterior position relative to the nurse cells of the egg chamber, and its maintenance in this posterior location. This is the first sign of anterior-posterior asymmetry in the developing egg chamber." [GOC:mtg_sensu, PMID:10449356]
synonym: "establishment and maintenance of oocyte localization in egg chamber" EXACT []
synonym: "establishment and maintenance of oocyte position during oogenesis" EXACT []
synonym: "oocyte localisation involved in germarium-derived egg chamber formation" EXACT [GOC:mah]
synonym: "oocyte localization during germarium-derived egg chamber formation" RELATED [GOC:dph, GOC:tb]
synonym: "oocyte localization during oogenesis" RELATED []
synonym: "oocyte positioning during oogenesis" NARROW []
synonym: "oogenesis, establishment and maintenance of oocyte localization" EXACT []
synonym: "oogenesis, oocyte localization" EXACT []
is_a: GO:0051674 ! localization of cell
intersection_of: GO:0051179 ! localization
intersection_of: transports_or_maintains_localization_of CL:0000023 ! oocyte
relationship: in_taxon NCBITaxon:50557 ! Insecta
relationship: only_in_taxon NCBITaxon:50557 ! Insecta
relationship: part_of GO:0007293 ! germarium-derived egg chamber formation

id: GO:0034117
name: erythrocyte aggregation
namespace: biological_process
def: "The adhesion of one erythrocyte to one or more other erythrocytes via adhesion molecules." [GOC:add, PMID:14631543]
synonym: "RBC aggregation" EXACT [CL:0000232]
synonym: "red blood cell aggregation" EXACT [CL:0000232]
intersection_of: GO:0034109 ! homotypic cell-cell adhesion
intersection_of: has_participant CL:0000232 ! erythrocyte
relationship: in_taxon NCBITaxon:33208 ! Metazoa
relationship: only_in_taxon NCBITaxon:33208 ! Metazoa

id: GO:0035099
name: hemocyte migration
namespace: biological_process
def: "The directed movement of a hemocyte within the embryo. Hemocytes are blood cells associated with a hemocoel (the cavity containing most of the major organs of the arthropod body) which are involved in defense and clotting of hemolymph, but not involved in transport of oxygen. In Drosophila, embryonic hemocytes originate from the head mesoderm as a cluster of cells. The cluster splits into two and one group of cells crosses the amnioserosa. Both populations then spread toward the middle of the embryo and then disperse evenly throughout the embryo." [GOC:bf, GOC:mtg_sensu, PMID:12885551]
synonym: "arthropod blood cell migration" EXACT []
synonym: "hemocyte cell migration" EXACT []
is_a: GO:0016477 ! cell migration
intersection_of: GO:0016477 ! cell migration
intersection_of: results_in_movement_of CL:0000387 ! hemocyte (sensu Nematoda and Protostomia)
relationship: in_taxon NCBITaxon:6656 ! Arthropoda
relationship: only_in_taxon NCBITaxon:6656 ! Arthropoda
relationship: part_of GO:0035162 ! embryonic hemopoiesis

id: GO:0035172
name: hemocyte proliferation
namespace: biological_process
def: "The multiplication or reproduction of hemocytes, resulting in the expansion of the cell population. Hemocytes are blood cells associated with a hemocoel (the cavity containing most of the major organs of the arthropod body) which are involved in defense and clotting of hemolymph, but not involved in transport of oxygen." [GOC:bf, GOC:mtg_sensu]
synonym: "arthropod blood cell proliferation" EXACT []
is_a: GO:0002376 ! immune system process
is_a: GO:0008283 ! cell population proliferation
intersection_of: GO:0008283 ! cell population proliferation
intersection_of: acts_on_population_of CL:0000387 ! hemocyte (sensu Nematoda and Protostomia)
relationship: in_taxon NCBITaxon:6656 ! Arthropoda
relationship: only_in_taxon NCBITaxon:6656 ! Arthropoda

id: GO:0035805
name: egg coat
namespace: cellular_component
def: "A specialized extracellular matrix that surrounds the plasma membrane of the ovum of animals. The egg coat provides structural support and can play an essential role in oogenesis, fertilization and early development." [PMID:16944418, PMID:17163408]
synonym: "vitelline membrane" NARROW [PMID:16944418, PMID:17163408]
synonym: "zona pellucida" NARROW [PMID:16944418, PMID:17163408]
is_a: GO:0030312 ! external encapsulating structure
intersection_of: GO:0030312 ! external encapsulating structure
intersection_of: part_of CL:0000025 ! egg cell
relationship: in_taxon NCBITaxon:33208 ! Metazoa
relationship: only_in_taxon NCBITaxon:33208 ! Metazoa
created_by: bf
creation_date: 2011-04-19T02:07:23Z

id: GO:0042386
name: hemocyte differentiation
namespace: biological_process
def: "The process in which a relatively unspecialized cell acquires the characteristics of a mature hemocyte. Hemocytes are blood cells associated with a hemocoel (the cavity containing most of the major organs of the arthropod body) which are involved in defense and clotting of hemolymph, but not involved in transport of oxygen." [CL:0000387, GOC:jl, GOC:mtg_sensu, PMID:9550723]
synonym: "arthropod blood cell differentiation" EXACT []
is_a: GO:0002376 ! immune system process
is_a: GO:0030154 ! cell differentiation
intersection_of: GO:0030154 ! cell differentiation
intersection_of: results_in_acquisition_of_features_of CL:0000387 ! hemocyte (sensu Nematoda and Protostomia)
relationship: in_taxon NCBITaxon:6656 ! Arthropoda
relationship: only_in_taxon NCBITaxon:6656 ! Arthropoda

id: GO:0042470
name: melanosome
namespace: cellular_component
def: "A tissue-specific, membrane-bounded cytoplasmic organelle within which melanin pigments are synthesized and stored. Melanosomes are synthesized in melanocyte cells." [GOC:jl, PMID:11584301]
xref: Wikipedia:Melanosome
is_a: GO:0048770 ! pigment granule
relationship: in_taxon NCBITaxon:33208 ! Metazoa
relationship: only_in_taxon NCBITaxon:33208 ! Metazoa
relationship: part_of CL:0000148 ! melanocyte
property_value: RO:0002161 NCBITaxon:4895
property_value: RO:0002161 NCBITaxon:6237


id: GO:0043209
name: myelin sheath
namespace: cellular_component
def: "An electrically insulating fatty layer that surrounds the axons of many neurons. It is an outgrowth of glial cells: Schwann cells supply the myelin for peripheral neurons while oligodendrocytes supply it to those of the central nervous system." [GOC:cjm, GOC:jl, NIF_Subcellular:sao593830697, Wikipedia:Myelin]
synonym: "astrocyte sheath" NARROW [NIF_Subcellular:nlx_subcell_20090204]
synonym: "oligodendrocyte myelin sheath" NARROW [NIF_Subcellular:sao1279474730]
synonym: "Schwann cell myelin sheath" NARROW []
xref: FMA:62983
xref: NIF_Subcellular:sao593830697
xref: Wikipedia:Myelin
is_a: GO:0110165 ! cellular anatomical entity
relationship: in_taxon NCBITaxon:33208 ! Metazoa
relationship: only_in_taxon NCBITaxon:33208 ! Metazoa
relationship: part_of CL:0000000 ! cell
relationship: part_of CL:0000125 ! glial cell


id: GO:0048132
name: female germ-line stem cell asymmetric division
namespace: biological_process
alt_id: GO:0048141
def: "The self-renewing division of a germline stem cell in the female gonad, to produce a daughter stem cell and a daughter germ cell, which will divide to form the female gametes." [GOC:jid, GOC:mtg_sensu]
synonym: "female germ-line stem cell renewal" EXACT []
intersection_of: GO:0008356 ! asymmetric cell division
intersection_of: has_input CL:0000022 ! female germ line stem cell
relationship: in_taxon NCBITaxon:6656 ! Arthropoda
relationship: only_in_taxon NCBITaxon:6656 ! Arthropoda
relationship: part_of GO:0048477 ! oogenesis


id: GO:0048235
name: pollen sperm cell differentiation
namespace: biological_process
alt_id: GO:0048234
def: "The process in which a relatively unspecialized cell acquires specialized features of a haploid sperm cell within the plant gametophyte." [CL:0000366, GOC:jid, GOC:mtg_sensu]
synonym: "male gamete generation" BROAD []
synonym: "male gametophyte sperm cell differentiation" EXACT []
synonym: "sperm cell differentiation" BROAD []
is_a: GO:0003006 ! developmental process involved in reproduction
is_a: GO:0030154 ! cell differentiation
intersection_of: GO:0030154 ! cell differentiation
intersection_of: results_in_acquisition_of_features_of PO:0025121 ! pollen sperm cell
relationship: in_taxon NCBITaxon:3398 ! Magnoliopsida
relationship: only_in_taxon NCBITaxon:3398 ! Magnoliopsida
relationship: part_of GO:0048232 ! male gamete generation
relationship: part_of GO:0055046 ! microgametogenesis


id: GO:0048477
name: oogenesis
namespace: biological_process
alt_id: GO:0009993
alt_id: GO:0048157
def: "The complete process of formation and maturation of an ovum or female gamete from a primordial female germ cell. Examples of this process are found in Mus musculus and Drosophila melanogaster." [GOC:kmv, GOC:mtg_sensu, GOC:pr]
synonym: "ovum development" EXACT systematic_synonym []
xref: Wikipedia:Oogenesis
is_a: GO:0007281 ! germ cell development
is_a: GO:0007292 ! female gamete generation
intersection_of: GO:0048468 ! cell development
intersection_of: results_in_development_of CL:0000025 ! egg cell
relationship: in_taxon NCBITaxon:33208 ! Metazoa
relationship: only_in_taxon NCBITaxon:33208 ! Metazoa
relationship: results_in_development_of CL:0000025 ! egg cell

id: GO:0048600
name: oocyte fate commitment
namespace: biological_process
def: "The process in which the developmental fate of a cell becomes restricted such that it will develop into an oocyte." [GOC:go_curators]
is_a: GO:0003006 ! developmental process involved in reproduction
is_a: GO:0045165 ! cell fate commitment
intersection_of: GO:0045165 ! cell fate commitment
intersection_of: results_in_commitment_to CL:0000023 ! oocyte
relationship: in_taxon NCBITaxon:33208 ! Metazoa
relationship: only_in_taxon NCBITaxon:33208 ! Metazoa
relationship: part_of GO:0009994 ! oocyte differentiation

id: GO:0048601
name: oocyte morphogenesis
namespace: biological_process
def: "The process in which the structures of an oocyte are generated and organized. This process occurs while the initially relatively unspecialized cell is acquiring the specialized features of an oocyte." [GOC:go_curators]
synonym: "oocyte morphogenesis during differentiation" EXACT []
is_a: GO:0000904 ! cell morphogenesis involved in differentiation
is_a: GO:0003006 ! developmental process involved in reproduction
intersection_of: GO:0009653 ! anatomical structure morphogenesis
intersection_of: results_in_morphogenesis_of CL:0000023 ! oocyte
relationship: in_taxon NCBITaxon:33208 ! Metazoa
relationship: only_in_taxon NCBITaxon:33208 ! Metazoa
relationship: part_of GO:0048599 ! oocyte development

id: GO:0061319
name: nephrocyte differentiation
namespace: biological_process
def: "The process in which a relatively unspecialized cell acquires the specialized structural and/or functional features of a nephrocyte. A nephrocyte is an insect renal cell that filters hemolymph. Differentiation includes the processes involved in commitment of a cell to a specific fate and its subsequent development to the mature state." [CL:0002520, GOC:dph, GOC:mtg_kidney_jan10, PMID:19783135]
is_a: GO:0061318 ! renal filtration cell differentiation
intersection_of: GO:0030154 ! cell differentiation
intersection_of: results_in_acquisition_of_features_of CL:0002520 ! nephrocyte
relationship: in_taxon NCBITaxon:50557 ! Insecta
relationship: only_in_taxon NCBITaxon:50557 ! Insecta
created_by: dph
creation_date: 2010-09-24T12:23:29Z

id: GO:0070527
name: platelet aggregation
namespace: biological_process
def: "The adhesion of one platelet to one or more other platelets via adhesion molecules." [GOC:BHF, GOC:vk]
synonym: "blood platelet aggregation" EXACT [CL:0000233]
synonym: "thrombocyte aggregation" RELATED [CL:0000233]
intersection_of: GO:0034109 ! homotypic cell-cell adhesion
intersection_of: has_participant CL:0000233 ! platelet
relationship: in_taxon NCBITaxon:33208 ! Metazoa
relationship: only_in_taxon NCBITaxon:33208 ! Metazoa
relationship: part_of GO:0030168 ! platelet activation

id: GO:0097413
name: Lewy body
namespace: cellular_component
def: "Cytoplasmic, spherical inclusion commonly found in damaged neurons, and composed of abnormally phosphorylated, neurofilament proteins aggregated with ubiquitin and alpha-synuclein." [NIF_Subcellular:sao4933778419]
synonym: "cytoplasmic inclusion" RELATED []
xref: NIF_Subcellular:sao4933778419
is_a: GO:0016234 ! inclusion body
relationship: in_taxon NCBITaxon:33208 ! Metazoa
relationship: only_in_taxon NCBITaxon:33208 ! Metazoa
relationship: part_of CL:0000540 ! neuron
created_by: pr
creation_date: 2012-11-06T16:26:08Z

id: GO:0097418
name: neurofibrillary tangle
namespace: cellular_component
def: "Intracellular mass of paired, helically wound protein filaments (also called PHF) lying in the cytoplasm of neuronal cell bodies and neuritic cell processes. Neurofibrillary tangles contain an abnormally phosphorylated form of a microtubule-associated protein, tau. The shape of these inclusions may resemble a flame or a star." [NIF_Subcellular:nlx_subcell_20090201, NIF_Subcellular:nlx_subcell_20090202, NIF_Subcellular:sao2409833926]
comment: Neurofibrillary tangles have been found in aging population; their formation is increased in Alzheimer's disease patients (and in other neurological diseases) compared to normal controls (see PMID:848276 and PMID:8584267).
synonym: "flame-shaped neurofibrillary tangle" NARROW []
synonym: "star-shaped neurofibrillary tangle" NARROW []
xref: NIF_Subcellular:nlx_subcell_20090201
xref: NIF_Subcellular:nlx_subcell_20090202
xref: NIF_Subcellular:sao2409833926
is_a: GO:0016234 ! inclusion body
relationship: in_taxon NCBITaxon:33208 ! Metazoa
relationship: only_in_taxon NCBITaxon:33208 ! Metazoa
relationship: part_of CL:0000540 ! neuron
created_by: pr
creation_date: 2012-11-06T16:49:35Z

id: GO:0097497
name: blood vessel endothelial cell delamination
namespace: biological_process
def: "The process of negative regulation of cell adhesion that results in blood vessel endothelial cells splitting off from an existing endothelial sheet." [GOC:dgh, PMID:23698350]
intersection_of: GO:0060232 ! delamination
intersection_of: occurs_in CL:0000071 ! blood vessel endothelial cell
relationship: in_taxon NCBITaxon:33208 ! Metazoa
relationship: only_in_taxon NCBITaxon:33208 ! Metazoa
created_by: pr
creation_date: 2013-08-12T13:48:34Z

id: GO:0098593
name: goblet cell theca
namespace: cellular_component
def: "A cup shaped specialization of the cytoskeleton that forms a thin layer located just below the apical mass of mature mucin secretory granules in the cytoplasm of goblet cells of the intestinal epithelium.  It consists of an orderly network of intermediate filaments and microtubules. Microtubules are arranged vertically, like barrel staves, along the inner aspect of the theta. Intermediate filaments form two networks: an inner, basketlike network and an outer series of circumferential bundles resembling the hoops of a barrel." [PMID:6541604]
is_a: GO:0043232 ! intracellular non-membrane-bounded organelle
relationship: in_taxon NCBITaxon:33208 ! Metazoa
relationship: only_in_taxon NCBITaxon:33208 ! Metazoa
relationship: part_of CL:0000160 ! goblet cell
relationship: part_of GO:0005737 ! cytoplasm
relationship: part_of GO:0005856 ! cytoskeleton
created_by: dos
creation_date: 2014-03-11T14:52:33Z


id: GO:0099622
name: cardiac muscle cell membrane repolarization
namespace: biological_process
def: "The process in which ions are transported across the plasma membrane of a cardiac muscle cell such that the membrane potential changes in the repolarizing direction, toward the steady state potential. For example, the repolarization during an action potential is from a positive membrane potential towards a negative resting potential." [GOC:BHF]
intersection_of: GO:0086009 ! membrane repolarization
intersection_of: occurs_in CL:0000746 ! cardiac muscle cell
relationship: in_taxon NCBITaxon:33208 ! Metazoa
relationship: only_in_taxon NCBITaxon:33208 ! Metazoa

id: GO:0140022
name: cnida
namespace: cellular_component
def: "A giant secretory organelle that comprises a bulb-shape capsule containing a coiled hollow tubule structure attached to it. A cnida defines the phylum Cnidaria." [Wikipedia:Cnida#Structure_and_function]
synonym: "cnidae (plural)" EXACT []
is_a: GO:0110165 ! cellular anatomical entity
relationship: in_taxon NCBITaxon:6073 ! Cnidaria
relationship: only_in_taxon NCBITaxon:6073 ! Cnidaria
relationship: part_of CL:0000000 ! cell
created_by: cjm
creation_date: 2017-04-12T15:12:20Z
cmungall commented 3 years ago

ovarian follice TCs in GO seem odd, looks like poor nomenclature