obophenotype / human-phenotype-ontology

Ontology for the description of human clinical features
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Congenital seminal vesicle cyst #10270

Closed jagcgc closed 8 months ago

jagcgc commented 8 months ago

I can see this term was previously requested here, but I did not see that it was created, so I would like to re-request.

Preferred term label: Congenital seminal vesicle cyst


Definition (free text, please give PubMed ID) A cystic structure caused by distention of the seminal vesicle due to atresia of the ejaculatory duct. Caused by altered development of the mesonephric duct (AKA Wolffian duct). Two-thirds are associated with abnormal development of other ipsilateral mesonephric derivatives, such as vas deferens, kidney, and ureter. Sometimes considered the male equivalent of Mayer-Rokitansky-Kuster-Hauser syndrome. (PMID: 31024871)

Parent term (use hpo.jax.org/app) Abnormal male reproductive system physiology HP:0012874

Diseases characterized by this term? (e.g. Orphanet or OMIM number) Zinner syndrome (no Orphanet or OMIM entry) (Reference: PMID: 34268266) Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ORPHA:730) (Reference: PMID: 9829485) Renal agenesis (ORPHA:411709)

Your nano-attribution (ORCID) 0000-0001-8481-3559

pnrobinson commented 8 months ago

@jagcgc adding without the "congenital" modifier since this is an inference rather than a direct phenotypic observation. thanks!

Adding new term: