obophenotype / human-phenotype-ontology

Ontology for the description of human clinical features
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Phosphene #10591

Open carolina-f opened 3 days ago

carolina-f commented 3 days ago

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Definition (free text, please give PubMed ID) A phosphene is the perception of light without light actually entering the eye, for instance caused by pressure applied to the closed eyes.

Cambridge dictionary : A phosphene is a phenomenon characterized by the experience of seeing light without light actually entering the eye.

PMID: 30306317 During a hydropic vertigo attack, the patients report nausea, vomiting, sweating, urge to defecate, urge to urinate, phosphenes, headache, photophobia, phonophobia and even transient loss of consciousness. A third of the patients does not experience auditory symptoms during the vertigo attacks.

Parent term (use hpo.jax.org/app) Entoptic phenomenon (see issue #10588 )

Diseases characterized by this term ? (e.g. Orphanet or OMIM number) AB31.0 Meniere disease - ICD-11

Your nano-attribution (ORCID) 0009-0005-6714-5727