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NTR/Layperson synonyms related to Allergies/Asthma #1411

Closed nicolevasilevsky closed 7 years ago

nicolevasilevsky commented 7 years ago

Reviewing WebMD discussion board on allergies and asthma

Would we want terms or synonyms such as:

pnrobinson commented 7 years ago


  1. Add itching as LP syn to pruritus
  2. Itchy feet -> Pruritus on foot
  3. Itchy palms -> We need a term Palmar pruritus, which would be a child of the current term Pruritus on hands
  4. stopped breathing->this sounds even more serious that respiratory insufficiency, and I would not add it now because it is not a true synonym
  5. Swollen throat I think this is a LP synonym for Pharyngitis (http://www.livestrong.com/article/153098-a-sore-and-swollen-throat/)
  6. Stuffy nose: LP synonym for Nasal obstruction (HP_0001742). Also need to add nasal congestion (http://www.entnet.org/content/stuffy-nose)
  7. gut rot according to urban dictionary ("Gut Rot. A particularily painful sharp, gastrous pain, caused by a night of heavy alcohol consumption, usually following the morning after consumption occurs.") This would thus be a disease according to our system, not a phenotype!
  8. breaking out->this is used to describe getting pimples and thus is a BROAD_SYN for acne, I believe
  9. chest tightness ->can we make a NTR for this?
  10. wheat sensitive is an etiology, not a phenotype
  11. Cough-> Let's make a NTR and extendthe current term
  12. shortness of breath -> this is a LP syn for Dyspnea
  13. Sore throat -> can we make a NTR
  14. swelling of mouth -> Might be related to tongue edema, but do you have more context?
  15. Swelling of lips -> NTR 16 Puffy eyes. This is an LP synonym for Periorbital edema
  16. Night gasping ? Do you have more context?
nicolevasilevsky commented 7 years ago

Shortness of breath is currently a related synonym for HP_0002098 Respiratory distress. Should we remove it and make it an exact LP syn for Dyspnea instead?

nicolevasilevsky commented 7 years ago

Should sore throat be a syn for Pharyngitis?

Recurrent sore throat is a syn for Recurrent pharyngitis

nicolevasilevsky commented 7 years ago

Re: swelling of mouth, I can't find the message where someone wrote that, so let's ignore that one.

nicolevasilevsky commented 7 years ago

more context for night gasping: https://messageboards.webmd.com/search?q=Night%20gasping&group=4 "Things that point to asthma: - Short of breath - Tight chest - Night gasping - Had eczema and hayfever growing up. - Ventolin relieves symptoms immediately. Things that say it is not asthma: - Preventers not helping - Peak flow never drops and is very..."

I think it's when you wake up in the middle of the night and you are gasping for breath, could be a symptom of sleep apnea, or I think of it like when you wake up from a nightmare or something.

Maybe could be a child of Parasomnia?

pnrobinson commented 7 years ago

I am adding night gasping as HP_0031503. I think we are now finished with the list.