obophenotype / human-phenotype-ontology

Ontology for the description of human clinical features
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in vitro fertilization #300

Closed obophenotype-user closed 7 years ago

obophenotype-user commented 10 years ago

We need a way to indicate when a person was conceived using in vitro fertilization. This is a process, not a phenotype, and as such doesn't really belong in the HPO - another case for being able to mireot in classes. There is a class in ERO:

Term IRI: http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/ERO_0000703 definition: A culture and propogation technique performed in vitro to the fuse of gametes to produce a new organism.

Perhaps add to HPO a 'Clinical history' or 'Clinical manipulations' (or some such) root with an Xref for now? What do you think? This is needed for the UDP.

Reported by: @mellybelly

Original Ticket: obo/human-phenotype-requests/300

obophenotype-user commented 10 years ago

Original comment by: pnrobinson

obophenotype-user commented 10 years ago

We will consider the issue of clinical history at the upcoming workshop in Cambridge.

Original comment by: @pnrobinson

obophenotype-user commented 10 years ago

@pnrobinson This (see http://www.med-ed.virginia.edu/courses/pom1/pexams/hpexam/THE%20PAST%20MEDICAL%20HISTORY_HO.htm) is the structure of a typical clinical interview (probably about ten other items could be added). In a very broad sense, the medical phenotype of a patient includes the PMH, which comprises any information that might have an influence on the current illness. Therefore, it would be useful to have an ontological structure to capture this information, although it will require a lot of thought on how to model many of the items mentioned below (if we want to link out to other ontologies). If it would be helpful for the UDP right now, we could start off with a simple is-a hierarchy and then begin to worry about adding semantic links when the need arises.

Past Medical History

Major illnesses, beginning in childhood
Significant injuries
Gynecologic and obstetric (women)
Psychiatric history
pnrobinson commented 8 years ago

Something like this will be extremely important for the precision/common medicine project. We should think hard about how to implement this!

pnrobinson commented 7 years ago

I transferred this material to the wiki on this github repository.