obophenotype / human-phenotype-ontology

Ontology for the description of human clinical features
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ENR-EYE NTR: Vireous hemorrhage #3208

Closed pnrobinson closed 6 years ago

pnrobinson commented 6 years ago

[added] WG; no consensous//Added//Vireous hemorrhage//consider adding this as a subclass here as retinal vessels are the source of blood (WG); parent- Subhyaloid hemorrhage [level: 12]; term- Vireous hemorrhage [level: 12]

pnrobinson commented 6 years ago

I think that the suggestion was to add Vitreous hemorrhage as a subclass of Retinal hemorrhage because retinal vessels are the source of blood. THe HPO does not try to model pathophysiology but instead tries to model the phenotype observations. Thus, I think the best thing to do is to note that the retina is the source of hemorrhage as a comment. @psergouniotis please reopen if you disagree.

I added this Comment:The most common causes include proliferative diabetic retinopathy, vitreous detachment with or without retinal breaks, and trauma. Less common causes include vascular occlusive disease, retinal arterial macroaneurysm, hemoglobinopathies, age-related macular degeneration, intraocular tumors, and others. PMID:16882398