Suggested revision of textual definition
Current definition: Defects in the formation of pulmonary lobules.
Suggested: Defects in the formation of pulmonary lobes.
"The distinction between lobes and lobules is arbitrary; lobes are evident upon gross inspection while lobules are evident to low power microscopy."
Either the textual definition needs to change or the logical definition need to change. THe logical definition is: has part some (quality and (inheres in some lung lobe formation) and (has modifier some abnormal))
HPO term Abnormal lung lobation HP_0002101
Suggested revision of textual definition Current definition: Defects in the formation of pulmonary lobules. Suggested: Defects in the formation of pulmonary lobes.
Source "The distinction between lobes and lobules is arbitrary; lobes are evident upon gross inspection while lobules are evident to low power microscopy."
Either the textual definition needs to change or the logical definition need to change. THe logical definition is: has part some (quality and (inheres in some lung lobe formation) and (has modifier some abnormal))