obophenotype / human-phenotype-ontology

Ontology for the description of human clinical features
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NTR: Skin: human bite mark (Skin and mucosa) #8015

Closed pnrobinson closed 4 hours ago

pnrobinson commented 1 year ago

New term request Skin: human bite mark (seidel_190210202534): Human bite marks; animal bite marks UMLS: 0574737

pnrobinson commented 3 months ago

@MickeySegal thankfully I have no experience with this, but I imagine that the patient would tell us they were bitten by a shark rather than the physician inferring this from the appearance of a skin wound (is it really true that it is so characteristic that it must be shark and cannot be barracuda or whatever else? Now that the orcas are taking over, maybe the question will become more important, who knows)

MickeySegal commented 3 months ago

How did you infer involvement of a shark from this NTR?

But I see that this finding has a lot of overlap with https://hpo.jax.org/app/browse/term/HP:0020138 so I will merge our findings.

pnrobinson commented 4 hours ago