obophenotype / human-phenotype-ontology

Ontology for the description of human clinical features
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NTR: Cardiac imaging: right ventricle aneurysm (Lab: radiology) #8999

Open pnrobinson opened 1 year ago

pnrobinson commented 1 year ago

New term request Cardiac imaging: right ventricle aneurysm (elthat_140404183519): Echocardiogram or MRI; cardiac ultrasound; heart; dilation; dilatation UMLS: 2040231

pnrobinson commented 3 months ago

@MickeySegal Adding new term:

MickeySegal commented 3 months ago

I see we also have https://hpo.jax.org/app/browse/term/HP:0005133. Should we retain both?

pnrobinson commented 3 months ago

It might be good to expand the definition of both terms. My understanding is that Dilation is a general increase in size, but RV aneurysm is a localized bulging. I will reopen the term so we can work on the definitions.