obophenotype / mouse-anatomy-ontology

Ontologies for mouse anatomy and development
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UBERON:0002533 post-anal tail bud AND mouse stages, to harmonize #112

Open ANiknejad opened 7 years ago

ANiknejad commented 7 years ago

UBERON:0002533 name: post-anal tail bud namespace: uberon def: "The rapidly proliferating mass of cells at the caudal extremity of the embryo; remnant of the primitive node." [BTO:0001445] is_a: UBERON:0006598 ! presumptive structure relationship: has_potential_to_develop_into UBERON:0007812 ! post-anal tail relationship: existence_ends_during_or_before MmusDv:0000021 {gci_relation="part_of", gci_filler="NCBITaxon:10090"} ! Theiler stage 14 (mouse) relationship: existence_starts_during_or_after MmusDv:0000021 {gci_relation="part_of", gci_filler="NCBITaxon:10090"} ! Theiler stage 14 (mouse)

[Term] id: UBERON:0007144 name: embryonic post-anal tail namespace: uberon def: "An embryonic structure that will either develop into a post-anal tail or recede into a vestigial remnant of the tail." [http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165] synonym: "embryo tail" EXACT [FMA:85540] synonym: "embryonic tail" RELATED [FMA:85540] synonym: "tail of embryo" EXACT [FMA:85540] xref: EMAPA:16748 xref: FMA:85540 is_a: UBERON:0002050 ! embryonic structure relationship: transformation_of UBERON:0002533 ! post-anal tail bud

Info source:

[Term] id: EMAPA:16580 name: tail bud namespace: anatomical_structure relationship: ends_at TS14 ! TS14 relationship: part_of EMAPA:16039 ! embryo relationship: starts_at TS14 ! TS14

[Term] id: EMAPA:16748 name: tail namespace: anatomical_structure is_a: EMAPA:36031 ! body region relationship: ends_at TS28 ! TS28 relationship: starts_at TS15 ! TS15

Note that expression data are available on 'tail bud' at stage E9.5 (= TS15) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/geo/query/acc.cgi?acc=GSM1477374 which can presumably be annotated with UBERON:0007144 embryonic post-anal tail, because there is currently no developmental set time frame for this class

In Uberon, EMAPA:16748 is 2x present as xref,

into UBERON:0007144 name: embryonic post-anal tail relationship: transformation_of UBERON:0002533 ! post-anal tail bud


into UBERON:0007812 name: post-anal tail relationship: transformation_of UBERON:0007144 ! embryonic post-anal tail

while EMAPA:16580 is xref of UBERON:0002533 name: post-anal tail bud