obophenotype / mouse-anatomy-ontology

Ontologies for mouse anatomy and development
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stylohyoid ligament #31

Closed cmungall closed 9 years ago

cmungall commented 14 years ago

A new proposed term for "stylohyoid ligament" with synonym "epihyoid ligament".

Stedman's: The fibrous cord that connects the tip of the styloid process of the temporal bone to the lesser horn of the hyoid bone

I can't find it in FMA.


Original comment by: cindyJax

Original Ticket: obo/mouse-anatomy-requests/15

cmungall commented 14 years ago

Original comment by: tfhayamizu

cmungall commented 14 years ago

I'm sitting next to Onard at the PONS workshop. He has shown me that "stylohyoid ligament" is in FMA, FMAID:72308.

-- Alex

Original comment by: addiehl

cmungall commented 14 years ago

Thanks Alex and Onard. In the FMA, "Stylohyoid ligament" is-a "Skeletal ligament," which is-a "Ligament organ that primarily consists of regular dense connective tissue aggregated into fasciculi; connects bone and cartilage organs." The other subclass of "Ligament organ" is "Nonskeletal ligament,"

According to Gray's Anatomy, "The stylohyoid ligament is a fibrous cord extending from the tip of the styloid process [of the temporal bone] to the lesser cornu of the hyoid bone." It is "iderived from the cartilage [Reichert's cartilage] of the second branchial arch," which also "gives rise to the styloid process. Furthermore, "It may be partially ossified and in many mammals it forms a distinct bone, the epihyal."

Currently in the MA, there is a term for "ligament" (MA:0000113; is-a "connective tissue), with a limiited number of subterms, Many/all of these could be designated as either a "ekeletal ligament" or "nonskeletal ligament," terms for which are not included in the MA now. Clearly this needs to be investigated further.

As a general practice, I refrain from adding terms to the mouse anatomy ontology unless I have strong evidence that the structure does, in fact, exist in the mouse. In this case, except for the ten Berge et al. (1998) paper, I am having difficulty finding this. Therefore, pending further investigation, I will plan to wait before adding this term. In the meantime, any directly mouse-related references that you encounter would be welcome.

Original comment by: tfhayamizu

cmungall commented 14 years ago

FYI- Some references where stylohyoid ligament in mouse is mentioned:

J:50488, PMID:9729491 ten Berge D et al., "Prx1 and Prx2 in skeletogenesis: roles in the craniofacial region, inner ear and limbs." Development 1998 Oct;125(19):3831-42

J:80696, PMID:12434331 Beverdam A; Merlo GR; Paleari L; Mantero S; Genova F; Barbieri O; Janvier P; Levi G, Jaw transformation with gain of symmetry after Dlx5/Dlx6 inactivation: Mirror of the past?, Genesis 2002 Dec;34(4):221-7

J:119909, PMID:17215307 Takada Y; Isono K; Shinga J; Turner JM; Kitamura H; Ohara O; Watanabe G; Singh PB; Kamijo T; Jenuwein T; Burgoyne PS; Koseki H, Mammalian Polycomb Scmh1 mediates exclusion of Polycomb complexes from the XY body in the pachytene spermatocytes., Development 2007 Feb;134(3):579-90 (see supplemental data figure 2, k,l)

PMID: 14499656 Clouthier DE, Williams SC, Hammer RE, Richardson JA, Yanagisawa M. Cell-autonomous and nonautonomous actions of endothelin-A receptor signaling in craniofacial and cardiovascular development. Dev Biol. 2003 Sep 15;261(2):506-19. (Figure 10)

Original comment by: cindyJax

cmungall commented 14 years ago

See also figure 3.3.4 and page 213 of The Anatomical Basis of Mouse Development Matthew H. Kaufman and Jonathan B.L. Bard for a description of this structure in mouse.

Original comment by: cindyJax

cmungall commented 14 years ago

from Martin et al. (1995) Mech Dev 9, 1237-1249

Original comment by: tfhayamizu

cmungall commented 14 years ago

from Kaufman and Bard (1999)

Original comment by: tfhayamizu

cmungall commented 14 years ago

from Clouthier et al. (2003) Dev Biol 261, 506-519

Original comment by: tfhayamizu

cmungall commented 14 years ago

from Reidenberg and Laitman (1994) Anat Rec 240, 598-624

Original comment by: tfhayamizu

cmungall commented 14 years ago

Great, Cindy, and thanks. I am more than satisfied with your souces, and found some additional ones as well. (See attached files.) I will add "stylohoid ligament" (synonym: stylo-hyoid ligament) to the MA as a child of "ligament," and plan to further re-evaluate that section of the ontology ASAP.

F.Y.I. For an example of how confusing cross-species anatomy and anatomical nomenclature can be, see take a look at the table in the "Reidenberg1994" file below. (These are just from mammals!)

Original comment by: tfhayamizu

cmungall commented 14 years ago

Original comment by: tfhayamizu

cmungall commented 14 years ago

"stylohyoid ligament" (MA:0002957) has been added to the MA.

Original comment by: tfhayamizu

cmungall commented 14 years ago

Original comment by: tfhayamizu