obophenotype / mouse-anatomy-ontology

Ontologies for mouse anatomy and development
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lymph node germinal center #49

Closed cmungall closed 9 years ago

cmungall commented 13 years ago

Possible new children of MA:0000744 ! lymph node secondary follicle (via Terry M and Chris M)

lymph node germinal center lymph node follicular mantle

I say yes. The definition for germinal center should be changed too as the unique feature of germinal centers is the somatic hypermutation of activated B cells that only occurs in GC. We might want to add follicular mantle too, as a secondary follicle consists of a follicular mantle + germinal center. In fact, the MP already his this distinction with spleen secondary follicles ( MP:0002360 "abnormal spleen B cell corona morphology"). This link has good definitions for the two terms:


Terry M.

Chris Mungall wrote: > MP:0008522 ! abnormal lymph node germinal center *** [DEF: "any structural anomaly of the area of the lymph node secondary follicle where B cells are stimulated by antigens and helper T cells are stimulated to generate memory cells"] > > do we need a child of > MA:0000744 ! lymph node secondary follicle > > ?

Original comment by: cindyJax

Original Ticket: obo/mouse-anatomy-requests/35

cmungall commented 13 years ago

Sort of a 'deja vu' request here. I looked into this issue when I saw the MP request 'thread.'

I have already added these terms as part-of MA:0000744:: MA:0002989 lymph node germinal center MA:0002992 lymph node follicular mantle

Note that the current 'public' version (at obofoundry.org and at MGI) may have slightly different normenclature. The files have recently been modified to reflect that above term names, and these should be available on Monday 12/20.

Original comment by: tfhayamizu

cmungall commented 13 years ago

Original comment by: tfhayamizu