obophenotype / mouse-anatomy-ontology

Ontologies for mouse anatomy and development
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suproptic crest vs nucleus #68

Closed cmungall closed 9 years ago

cmungall commented 12 years ago

[Term] id: MA:0000849 name: supraoptic nucleus is_a: MA:0002944 ! sensory circumventricular organ relationship: part_of MA:0000846 ! hypothalamus periventricular zone

The partonomy is consistent with ABA:

.....is_a ABA:HY ! Hypothalamus ......is_a ABA:PVR ! Periventricular region .......is_a ABA:OV ! Vascular organ of the lamina terminalis ......is_a ABA:PVZ ! Periventricular zone .......is_a ABA:SO ! Supraoptic nucleus

MA doesn't have "Vascular organ of the lamina terminalis" (aka supraoptic crest). Note that it is this latter structure that is classically considered a circumventricular organ (a sensory one, in the case of MA's classification). I don't see any evidence of the SO being considered a circumventricular organ in other AOs or wikipedia (but I haven't checked any other more direct sources).

Note that NIF is a bit confusing here as it has both NIF_GrossAnatomy:birnlex_1400 ! Supraoptic crest NIF_GrossAnatomy:nlx_anat_100313 ! Organum vasculosum lamina terminalis

Perhaps best to create a term for the nucleus and move the current is_a parent there?

Original comment by: cmungall

Original Ticket: obo/mouse-anatomy-requests/54

cmungall commented 12 years ago

Original comment by: tfhayamizu

cmungall commented 11 years ago

For now, I have removed the is-a relationship between "supraoptic nucleus" (MA:0000849) and "sensory circumventricular organ" (MA:0002944).

In addition, I have created a new term named "supraoptic crest" (MA:0003018) as a subclass of "sensory circumventricular organ" (MA:0002944).

Further investigation and refinements are planned.

Original comment by: tfhayamizu

cmungall commented 11 years ago

Original comment by: tfhayamizu