obophenotype / uberon-phenoscape-ext

Phenoscape extensions to Uberon
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plectral apparatus def and synonyms #4

Closed cmungall closed 3 years ago

cmungall commented 8 years ago

From @wdahdul on September 30, 2016 19:9

Updates to the existing term plectral apparatus UBERON_3000443:

exact synonym: plectrum related synonyms: stapes, columella, columella auris (citation: http://www.nature.com/articles/srep34130)

Def: Combined element that is the ossified footplate and ossified stylus that are, together, called the columella or stapes, as well as the distal cartilaginous parts bound to the tympanic ring. [PHENOSCAPE:DB]

Notes: Most authors would refer to this as the columella or stapes, but the plectrum also consists of a third component (distal parts), thus correspondence of frog columella and mammalian stapes is not certain.

Copied from original issue: obophenotype/uberon#1274

cmungall commented 8 years ago

may also want to coordinate with @ANiknejad on homology assertion

fbastian commented 8 years ago

@Aniknejad: anything impacting our homology annotations?

ANiknejad commented 8 years ago

@fbastian so far no annotation on UBERON:3000443, paper not yet annotated, will do it.

Anyway, I already reported a new conflicting evidence about mammals middle ear from this paper:


current historical homology annotation for UBERON:0001756 middle ear are:

middle ear 8292 Amphibia middle ear 8457 Sauropsida middle ear 8459 Testudines middle ear 8492 Archosauria middle ear 8504 Lepidosauria middle ear NOT 32524 Amniota middle ear 40674 Mammalia middle ear NOT 40674 Mammalia middle ear 32525 Theria middle ear 9255 Monotremata

Please let me know if something is weird here

balhoff commented 3 years ago

This repo is closing; open a ticket for this at the main Uberon repo if it's still needed.