obophenotype / uberon

An ontology of gross anatomy covering metazoa. Works in concert with https://github.com/obophenotype/cell-ontology
133 stars 29 forks source link

Review: removed terms from human subset during last release #2171

Closed matentzn closed 1 year ago

matentzn commented 2 years ago

~ 750 terms where removed from the human subset during the last release.

ID Label
UBERON:0002009 pulmonary nerve plexus
UBERON:0005083 nipple sheath
UBERON:0009200 limb epidermis
UBERON:0011770 mentomeckelian
UBERON:0012136 prehallux
UBERON:0013487 epidermal ridge of digit
UBERON:0015484 epidermis of metapodial pad
UBERON:0018351 precerebral fontanelle
UBERON:0018354 recessus vena jugularis
UBERON:0018359 subolfactory process
UBERON:0019246 palmar skin crease
UBERON:0019247 plantar skin crease
UBERON:0034718 barbel taste bud
UBERON:0035043 temporal branch of lateral pretrosal artery
UBERON:2000006 ball
UBERON:2000040 median fin fold
UBERON:2000102 dorsal fin fold
UBERON:2000196 dorsal hypohyal bone
UBERON:2000300 ventral hypohyal bone
UBERON:2000356 gill raker
UBERON:2000452 urohyal
UBERON:2000461 Weberian ossicle
UBERON:2000525 intercalarium
UBERON:2000622 barbel
UBERON:2000637 claustrum cartilage
UBERON:2000698 tripus
UBERON:2000717 apical ectodermal ridge median fin fold
UBERON:2000788 mesenchyme dorsal fin
UBERON:2000912 mesenchyme median fin fold
UBERON:2001069 ventral fin fold
UBERON:2001160 dorsal scute
UBERON:2001171 os suspensorium
UBERON:2001188 Weberian apparatus
UBERON:2001190 Weberian vertebra
UBERON:2001248 dorsal scute series
UBERON:2001254 abdominal scute series
UBERON:2001397 post-Weberian supraneural
UBERON:2001456 pectoral fin endoskeletal disc
UBERON:2001547 abdominal scute
UBERON:2001548 intercalarium ascending process
UBERON:2001553 manubrium
UBERON:2001592 claustrum bone
UBERON:2001606 caudal scute
UBERON:2001825 urohyal lateral process
UBERON:2001826 urohyal median process
UBERON:2001843 ceratohyal-dorsal hypohyal joint
UBERON:2001844 ceratohyal-ventral hypohyal joint
UBERON:2001845 dorsal hypohyal-ventral hypohyal joint
UBERON:2001846 inter-ventral hypohyal joint
UBERON:2001847 dorsal hypohyal-urohyal joint
UBERON:2001848 ventral hypohyal-urohyal joint
UBERON:2001871 Weberian ossicle set
UBERON:2001921 adipose eyelid
UBERON:2001931 infranuchal scute
UBERON:2001936 posterior nasal barbel
UBERON:2001937 anterior nasal barbel
UBERON:2001938 maxillary barbel
UBERON:2001968 outer mental barbel
UBERON:2001969 inner mental barbel
UBERON:2001994 gill raker row
UBERON:2002004 anterior dentation of dorsal fin spine 2
UBERON:2002008 neural lamina
UBERON:2002024 mental barbel
UBERON:2002057 gill opening
UBERON:2002129 caudal rod
UBERON:2002145 anterior swim bladder bud
UBERON:2002214 os suspensorium medial flange
UBERON:2002294 fish scute
UBERON:2005089 swim bladder artery
UBERON:2005097 caudal fin vasculature
UBERON:2005098 central ray artery
UBERON:2005099 ray vein
UBERON:2005100 intervessel commissure
UBERON:2005101 interray vessel
UBERON:2005102 presumptive median fin fold
UBERON:2005103 presumptive ventral fin fold
UBERON:2005104 presumptive dorsal fin fold
UBERON:2005174 ventral liver lobe
UBERON:2005303 caudal fin lymph vessel
UBERON:2005304 caudal fin blood vessel
UBERON:2005316 fin fold pectoral fin bud
UBERON:3000002 alary cartilage
UBERON:3000003 alary process of premaxilla
UBERON:3000006 alveolar foramen
UBERON:3000012 angulosplenial coronoid process
UBERON:3000015 anterior maxillary process
UBERON:3000016 anterior nasal wall
UBERON:3000017 anterior process of pars palatina of maxilla
UBERON:3000020 anterolateral process of frontoparietal
UBERON:3000022 antorbital process
UBERON:3000032 auditory muscles
UBERON:3000037 basicranial fenestra
UBERON:3000038 basimandibulare
UBERON:3000041 Bidder's organ
UBERON:3000050 braincase and auditory apparatus
UBERON:3000051 braincase and otic capsule opening
UBERON:3000052 braincase and otic capsule skeleton
UBERON:3000057 canalis semicircularis anterior
UBERON:3000059 capsular process
UBERON:3000061 obsolete cartilage bridge of nasal skeleton
UBERON:3000065 obsolete forelimb opening
UBERON:3000068 cartilago ectochoanalis
UBERON:3000069 cartilago infranarina
UBERON:3000074 cartilago orbitalis
UBERON:3000078 cartilago prootico-occipitalis
UBERON:3000079 cartilago retronarina
UBERON:3000085 cavum inferius
UBERON:3000086 cavum internasale
UBERON:3000087 cavum medius
UBERON:3000088 cavum praenasale
UBERON:3000089 cavum principale
UBERON:3000099 obsolete connective tissue proper
UBERON:3000101 hyale
UBERON:3000110 crista contacta
UBERON:3000111 crista dentalis of maxilla
UBERON:3000112 crista dentalis of premaxilla
UBERON:3000113 crista intermedia
UBERON:3000115 crista lateralis of premaxilla
UBERON:3000117 crista subnasalis
UBERON:3000118 crista supraorbitalis
UBERON:3000121 obsolete dense connective tissue
UBERON:3000132 obsolete dorsal plate
UBERON:3000141 endolymphatic system
UBERON:3000155 extremitas anterior
UBERON:3000160 fenestra dorsalis nasi
UBERON:3000161 fenestra endochoanalis
UBERON:3000162 fenestra endonarina communis
UBERON:3000164 fenestra lateralis nasi
UBERON:3000166 fenestra nasobasalis
UBERON:3000167 fenestra nasolateralis
UBERON:3000170 fenestra precerebralis
UBERON:3000171 fenestra prechoanalis
UBERON:3000178 footplate of pars media plectri
UBERON:3000179 foramen acusticum
UBERON:3000180 foramen acusticum anterius
UBERON:3000181 foramen acusticum maius
UBERON:3000182 foramen acusticum minus
UBERON:3000183 foramen acusticum posterius
UBERON:3000185 foramen endolymphaticum
UBERON:3000189 foramen orbitonasale laterale
UBERON:3000190 foramen orbitonasale mediale
UBERON:3000192 foramen perilymphaticum
UBERON:3000193 foramen perilymphaticum accessorium
UBERON:3000195 foramen perilymphaticus inferius
UBERON:3000208 obsolete frontoparietal constriction
UBERON:3000209 frontoparietal fontanelle
UBERON:3000224 hyobranchial muscle
UBERON:3000226 hyolaryngeal complex
UBERON:3000234 inferior prenasal cartilage
UBERON:3000237 infrarostral cartilage
UBERON:3000254 lamella alaris
UBERON:3000255 lamina anterior of pars facialis
UBERON:3000259 lamina inferior
UBERON:3000260 lamina nariochoanalis
UBERON:3000263 lamina precerebralis
UBERON:3000264 lamina superior
UBERON:3000265 obsolete larval structure
UBERON:3000281 margo orbitalis of maxilla
UBERON:3000283 margo orbitalis of squamosal
UBERON:3000288 maxillopalatine
UBERON:3000290 medial inferior prenasal cartilage
UBERON:3000291 medial orbitonasal foramen
UBERON:3000294 median prenasal process
UBERON:3000295 median symphysis
UBERON:3000309 narial muscles
UBERON:3000316 nasal opening
UBERON:3000323 nasopremaxilla
UBERON:3000329 oblique cartilage
UBERON:3000332 oculomotor foramen
UBERON:3000333 olfactory foramen
UBERON:3000341 optic fenestra
UBERON:3000344 orbitonasal foramen
UBERON:3000347 obsolete os articulare
UBERON:3000348 os basale
UBERON:3000362 obsolete other muscles
UBERON:3000367 otic ramus of squamosal
UBERON:3000368 otoccipital
UBERON:3000372 obsolete palatine
UBERON:3000374 obsolete palatine process of pars palatina of premaxilla
UBERON:3000375 palatine process of the pars facialis of the maxilla
UBERON:3000376 obsolete palatine tooth
UBERON:3000381 paranasal commissure
UBERON:3000384 parasagittal crest
UBERON:3000386 cultriform process
UBERON:3000387 subotic alae
UBERON:3000388 parasphenoid tooth
UBERON:3000389 paries nasi
UBERON:3000393 pars amphibiorum
UBERON:3000394 pars articularis of mandibular arch
UBERON:3000395 pars basilaris
UBERON:3000396 obsolete pars dentalis of maxilla
UBERON:3000397 obsolete pars dentalis of premaxilla
UBERON:3000399 pars externa plectri
UBERON:3000400 pars facialis of maxilla
UBERON:3000401 pars facialis of maxillopalatine
UBERON:3000405 pars inferior of labyrinth
UBERON:3000406 pars interna plectri
UBERON:3000408 pars media plectri
UBERON:3000413 obsolete pars palatina of maxilla
UBERON:3000414 obsolete pars palatina of premaxilla
UBERON:3000428 perilymphatic system
UBERON:3000431 pila antoptica
UBERON:3000432 pila metoptica
UBERON:3000433 pineal foramen
UBERON:3000434 planum antorbitale
UBERON:3000437 planum conchale
UBERON:3000438 planum internasale
UBERON:3000440 planum terminale
UBERON:3000441 planum triangulare
UBERON:3000443 plectral apparatus
UBERON:3000446 posterior condyle
UBERON:3000448 posterior maxillary process
UBERON:3000449 posterior maxillary process dorsal process
UBERON:3000450 posterior mental process
UBERON:3000453 posterolateral vomerine process
UBERON:3000454 postnasal wall
UBERON:3000459 prearticular coronoid process
UBERON:3000464 obsolete premaxillary tooth
UBERON:3000467 preorbital process of the pars facialis of the maxilla
UBERON:3000473 obsolete presumptive epidermis
UBERON:3000475 obsolete presumptive integument
UBERON:3000486 processus ascendens plectri
UBERON:3000492 processus infrafenestralis
UBERON:3000493 processus internus of pseudoangular
UBERON:3000500 processus posterior of maxilla
UBERON:3000505 processus pterygoideus of maxilla
UBERON:3000509 processus suprafenestralis
UBERON:3000512 processus zygomatico-maxillaris
UBERON:3000515 pseudoangular
UBERON:3000518 pseudodentary
UBERON:3000519 pseudodentary tooth
UBERON:3000521 obsolete pterygoid
UBERON:3000538 recessus fenestrae ovalis
UBERON:3000539 recessus marsupiatus of premaxilla
UBERON:3000540 recessus vaginiformis
UBERON:3000543 retroarticular process
UBERON:3000547 rostral process
UBERON:3000560 septum semicircularium anterior
UBERON:3000561 septum semicircularium laterale
UBERON:3000562 septum semircularium posterior
UBERON:3000563 seydels palatal process
UBERON:3000565 skeletal support for eminentia olfactoria
UBERON:3000569 solum nasi
UBERON:3000570 spatium sacculare
UBERON:3000571 specialized connective tissue
UBERON:3000572 sphenethmoid
UBERON:3000580 stylus of pars media plectri
UBERON:3000581 sulcus dentalis of maxilla
UBERON:3000582 sulcus dentalis of premaxilla
UBERON:3000583 sulcus for Meckels cartilage
UBERON:3000586 superior prenasal cartilage
UBERON:3000587 obsolete supraangular
UBERON:3000588 obsolete supraoccipital
UBERON:3000590 supraorbital flange
UBERON:3000591 suprasphenoid
UBERON:3000597 symphysis maxillaris
UBERON:3000599 taenia tecti marginalis
UBERON:3000601 tectum nasi
UBERON:3000605 tentacular foramen
UBERON:3000610 trochlear foramen
UBERON:3000628 ventral ramus of squamosal
UBERON:3000634 vomerine canal
UBERON:3000639 zygomatic ramus of squamosal
UBERON:3000640 arcus praeoccipitalis
UBERON:3000642 maxillopalatine tooth
UBERON:3000644 processus lingularis of nasal skeleton
UBERON:3000645 corpus
UBERON:3000646 margo libera
UBERON:3000647 crista interna
UBERON:3000648 crista praeopercularis
UBERON:3000649 anterior process of vomer
UBERON:3000650 processus frontalis of maxilla
UBERON:3000651 lamina anterior of maxilla
UBERON:3000652 fossa maxillaris
UBERON:3000655 processus dorsalis of lamella alaris
UBERON:3000656 processus posterodorsalis of lamella alaris
UBERON:3000657 dentigerous process
UBERON:3000658 prechoanal process
UBERON:3000659 postchoanal process
UBERON:3000660 margo choanalis
UBERON:3000661 crista vomeri
UBERON:3000662 processus posterior of parasphenoid
UBERON:3000663 parahyoid
UBERON:3000664 hyoid plate
UBERON:3000667 pars reuniens
UBERON:3000668 hyoglossal sinus
UBERON:3000670 anterior process of hyoid apparatus
UBERON:3000671 anterolateral process of hyoid plate
UBERON:3000672 posterolateral process
UBERON:3000673 posteromedial process
UBERON:3000676 bronchial process
UBERON:3000677 lateral process of cricoid cartilage
UBERON:3000678 esophageal process
UBERON:3000680 manubrium of hyale
UBERON:3000681 hyoid apparatus opening
UBERON:3000683 sinus nervi hypoglossi
UBERON:3000685 foramen nervi hypoglossi
UBERON:3000687 processus confluens
UBERON:3000688 prominentia apicalis dorsalis
UBERON:3000689 prominentia apicalis ventralis
UBERON:3000692 pedicel
UBERON:3000694 atlantal cotyle
UBERON:3000696 posterior intervertebral notch
UBERON:3000701 intervertebral space
UBERON:3000704 anterior intervertebral notch
UBERON:3000707 pleurapophysis
UBERON:3000711 procoelous
UBERON:3000712 opisthocoelous
UBERON:3000713 epichordal
UBERON:3000714 perichordal
UBERON:3000715 heterocoelous
UBERON:3000716 acoelous
UBERON:3000717 amphicoelous
UBERON:3000718 ectochordal
UBERON:3000719 holochordal
UBERON:3000720 stegochordal
UBERON:3000728 nucal keel
UBERON:3000730 foramen nutritium
UBERON:3000735 mid-dorsal keel
UBERON:3000736 obsolete deltopectoral crest
UBERON:3000743 sacral condyle
UBERON:3000744 urostyle cotyle
UBERON:3000745 webbing of bone in vertebral column
UBERON:3000746 urostyle ridge
UBERON:3000748 suprascapula
UBERON:3000752 pars acromialis
UBERON:3000753 pars glenoidalis of scapula
UBERON:3000755 pectoral girdle opening
UBERON:3000756 crista dorsalis humeri
UBERON:3000757 zonal area
UBERON:3000759 omosternum
UBERON:3000762 epicoracoid
UBERON:3000763 epicoracoid bridge
UBERON:3000767 pelvic girdle opening
UBERON:3000771 acetabular depression
UBERON:3000773 ilial ridge
UBERON:3000774 ilial shaft
UBERON:3000775 obsolete ilial corpus
UBERON:3000776 glenoid foramen
UBERON:3000777 epicoracoid horn
UBERON:3000778 supracoracoid foramen
UBERON:3000779 pectoral fenestra
UBERON:3000780 incisura coracoidea
UBERON:3000783 fovea capitis of humerus
UBERON:3000784 ulnar condyle
UBERON:3000785 trochlear groove of humerus
UBERON:3000786 fossa cubitalis ventralis
UBERON:3000787 collum antibrachii
UBERON:3000793 anomocoelous
UBERON:3000794 displasiocoelous
UBERON:3000796 imbricate neural arch
UBERON:3000797 non-imbricate neural arch
UBERON:3000798 presacral shield
UBERON:3000799 cartilago paraglenoidalis
UBERON:3000800 intercotylar space
UBERON:3000801 caput glenoidale
UBERON:3000802 fossa glenoidalis
UBERON:3000803 sulcus articularis lateralis
UBERON:3000804 sulcus articularis medialis
UBERON:3000805 carina proximalis
UBERON:3000806 carina medialis
UBERON:3000807 carina distalis
UBERON:3000808 parasagittal processes
UBERON:3000809 accessory articulation
UBERON:3000810 fissura sagittalis
UBERON:3000811 glenoid end of clavicle
UBERON:3000813 sulcus pro cartilagine praecoracoidealis
UBERON:3000818 margo anterior of scapula
UBERON:3000819 margo clavicularis
UBERON:3000820 margo posterior of scapula
UBERON:3000821 margo suprascapularis
UBERON:3000822 pars suprascapularis
UBERON:3000823 sinus interglenoidalis
UBERON:3000824 tenuitas cristaeformis
UBERON:3000825 crista longitudinalis scapula
UBERON:3000836 crista lateralis humeri
UBERON:3000837 crista medialis humeri
UBERON:3000839 crista radii
UBERON:3000840 capitulum of radius
UBERON:3000841 obsolete capitulum radii
UBERON:3000842 capitulum ulnae
UBERON:3000844 sulcus longitudinalis
UBERON:3000846 element Y of fore mesopodium
UBERON:3000856 intercalary element of fore digit
UBERON:3000859 foramen perforans carpi
UBERON:3000862 pubo-ischium
UBERON:3000865 epileon
UBERON:3000866 agger limitans anterior of ilium
UBERON:3000867 agger limitans anterior of ischium
UBERON:3000868 obsolete supra-acetabular expansion
UBERON:3000869 ilial protuberance
UBERON:3000870 preacetabular expansion
UBERON:3000871 fossula tuberis superioris
UBERON:3000872 collum ilei
UBERON:3000873 pars cylindriformis ilei
UBERON:3000874 crista ischii
UBERON:3000875 spina pelvis posterior
UBERON:3000876 spina pelvis anterior
UBERON:3000877 intumescentia bilateralis inferior
UBERON:3000878 intumescentia bilateralis superior
UBERON:3000879 incisura terminalis
UBERON:3000880 crista hypertrophica ischium
UBERON:3000882 interilial region
UBERON:3000883 recessus coccygealis
UBERON:3000884 epipubis
UBERON:3000885 obsolete Nobelian bone
UBERON:3000886 ypsiloid cartilage
UBERON:3000894 femoral ridge
UBERON:3000895 obsolete trochlear groove of femur
UBERON:3000896 foveal depression
UBERON:3000898 trochanteric crest
UBERON:3000903 tibial crest
UBERON:3000904 apophysis distalis of tibiofibula
UBERON:3000905 caput ossis cruris
UBERON:3000906 sulcus pro musculo extensori cruris brevis
UBERON:3000907 eminentia arcuata
UBERON:3000908 sulcus distalis ossis cruris
UBERON:3000909 sulcus proximalis ossis cruris
UBERON:3000910 obsolete hind limb opening
UBERON:3000911 foramen nutritium exterius
UBERON:3000915 spatium intertarsale
UBERON:3000916 apophysis proximalis
UBERON:3000917 apophysis distalis of tibiale fibulare
UBERON:3000921 element Y of hind mesopodium
UBERON:3000922 prehallux skeleton
UBERON:3000931 intercalary element of hind digit
UBERON:3000934 foramen perforans tarsi
UBERON:3000935 obsolete scapular area
UBERON:3000936 zonal element
UBERON:3000937 prezonal element
UBERON:3000938 postzonal element
UBERON:3000941 arciferal girdle
UBERON:3000942 firmisternal girdle
UBERON:3000943 pseudofirmisternal girdle
UBERON:3000944 pseudoarciferal girdle
UBERON:3000945 inscriptional rib
UBERON:3000948 articular process
UBERON:3000950 os triangulare
UBERON:3000951 anterior radial
UBERON:3000952 posterior radial
UBERON:3000953 ceratobranchials II--IV
UBERON:3000954 hypobranchial I
UBERON:3000955 ceratobranchial I
UBERON:3000956 hypobranchial II
UBERON:3000957 obsolete basihyal
UBERON:3000961 external integument structure
UBERON:3000965 basale commune (carpal)
UBERON:3000966 angulosplenial
UBERON:3000969 obsolete larval skeletal system
UBERON:3000972 head external integument structure
UBERON:3000977 body external integument structure
UBERON:3000981 limb external integument structure
UBERON:3000989 pectoral fold
UBERON:3000991 dorsal folds
UBERON:3000992 obsolete principal cavity
UBERON:3000993 otic and occipital
UBERON:3000994 longitudinal dorsal folds
UBERON:3000995 transversal dorsal folds
UBERON:3000998 suprarostral cartilage
UBERON:3000999 dorsal pouch
UBERON:3001000 obsolete palatoquadrate and suspensorium
UBERON:3001001 obsolete lateral line receptor organ
UBERON:3001002 basale commune (tarsal)
UBERON:3001003 cloacal fold
UBERON:3001005 dorsolateral fold
UBERON:3001007 body granules
UBERON:3001008 body wart
UBERON:3001009 body spicule
UBERON:3001010 body tubercle
UBERON:3010005 obsolete muscular process
UBERON:3010006 dorsal skin texture
UBERON:3010010 ventral skin texture
UBERON:3010011 axillary glands
UBERON:3010013 larval chondrocranium
UBERON:3010014 inguinal glands
UBERON:3010018 M. glutaeus magnus
UBERON:3010021 dorsal glands
UBERON:3010022 M. tensor fasciae latae
UBERON:3010027 M. sartorius
UBERON:3010029 obsolete gonochoristic organism
UBERON:3010031 ventral glands
UBERON:3010032 M. semitendinosus
UBERON:3010039 protandrous hermaphroditic organism
UBERON:3010042 protogynous hermaphroditic organism
UBERON:3010044 dorsal crest
UBERON:3010045 centrale 1
UBERON:3010047 M. quadratus femoris
UBERON:3010049 M. gemellus
UBERON:3010060 centrale (fore)
UBERON:3010065 M. gracilis major
UBERON:3010067 M. gracilis minor
UBERON:3010068 M. semimembranosus
UBERON:3010069 intermedium (fore)
UBERON:3010070 M. ileo-fibularis
UBERON:3010071 cranial crest
UBERON:3010072 M. pyriformis
UBERON:3010073 centrale 2
UBERON:3010074 M. ileo-femoralis
UBERON:3010075 tympanic fold
UBERON:3010076 M. iliacus internus
UBERON:3010078 M. iliacus externus
UBERON:3010079 upper eyelid protuberances
UBERON:3010080 snout protuberances
UBERON:3010081 interorbital fold
UBERON:3010082 M. pulmonum proprius
UBERON:3010084 M. tibialis posticus
UBERON:3010085 postrictal protuberances
UBERON:3010087 M. tibialis anticus longus
UBERON:3010089 M. extensor cruris brevis
UBERON:3010090 M. tibialis anticus brevis
UBERON:3010091 upper lip protuberances
UBERON:3010093 villosities
UBERON:3010096 vocal sac
UBERON:3010097 M. tarsalis posticus
UBERON:3010098 M. plantaris profundus
UBERON:3010100 mental gland
UBERON:3010103 vocal sac glands
UBERON:3010104 pectoral glands
UBERON:3010106 tympanic papilla
UBERON:3010123 finger fringes
UBERON:3010124 toe fringes
UBERON:3010125 musculus levator bulbi
UBERON:3010127 fringe on postaxial edge of finger IV
UBERON:3010128 taeniae tecti marginalis
UBERON:3010130 taenia tecti transversalis
UBERON:3010131 orbital cartilages
UBERON:3010132 taenia tecti medialis
UBERON:3010136 M. cruralis
UBERON:3010138 trabecular horn
UBERON:3010142 occipital arch
UBERON:3010144 odontoids
UBERON:3010146 lacrimal
UBERON:3010163 metacarpal fold
UBERON:3010164 ulnar fold
UBERON:3010166 fringe on postaxial edge of toe V
UBERON:3010167 metatarsal fold
UBERON:3010168 tarsal fringe
UBERON:3010170 ungual flap
UBERON:3010172 subarticular tubercles
UBERON:3010173 supernumerary tubercles
UBERON:3010175 circumferential groove
UBERON:3010178 finger glands
UBERON:3010179 web glands
UBERON:3010181 humeral glands
UBERON:3010182 tibial glands
UBERON:3010183 femoral glands
UBERON:3010184 inner metatarsal tubercle
UBERON:3010186 outer metatarsal tubercle
UBERON:3010187 inner metacarpal tubercle
UBERON:3010188 outer metacarpal tubercle
UBERON:3010189 ulnar protuberances
UBERON:3010190 tibial protuberances
UBERON:3010191 calcar anterior
UBERON:3010192 calcar posterior
UBERON:3010193 prepollical protuberances
UBERON:3010194 mediale
UBERON:3010195 lateral appendix
UBERON:3010197 lateral recess
UBERON:3010200 vasculature of respiratory integument
UBERON:3010205 postminimus
UBERON:3010209 keratinous claw
UBERON:3010226 postiliac glands
UBERON:3010227 costal protuberances
UBERON:3010229 costal grooves
UBERON:3010231 costal folds
UBERON:3010235 nuchal groove
UBERON:3010239 subocular groove
UBERON:3010240 Nobelian rod
UBERON:3010241 labial fold
UBERON:3010242 nasolabial groove
UBERON:3010243 ventricular musculature
UBERON:3010259 phallodeum
UBERON:3010260 intromittent organ (Ascaphus type)
UBERON:3010262 capitulum of radio-ulna
UBERON:3010303 fasciculated network of fibrils
UBERON:3010328 equatorial belt
UBERON:3010377 unicellular gland
UBERON:3010392 mesonephric early proximal tubule
UBERON:3010393 mesonephric late distal segment
UBERON:3010394 mesonephric late proximal tubule
UBERON:3010404 capillary system of liver
UBERON:3010413 left channel of ventral aorta
UBERON:3010417 posterior palatine artery
UBERON:3010423 larval aorta
UBERON:3010424 right channel of ventral aorta
UBERON:3010431 archenteron floor
UBERON:3010432 archenteron roof
UBERON:3010436 blastocoel roof
UBERON:3010437 post-anal gut
UBERON:3010447 M. extensor digitorum communis longus
UBERON:3010449 dorsal marginal zone
UBERON:3010450 dorso-lateral marginal zone
UBERON:3010451 involuting marginal zone
UBERON:3010452 non-involuting marginal zone
UBERON:3010453 ventral marginal zone
UBERON:3010454 ventro-lateral marginal zone
UBERON:3010455 blastopore lip
UBERON:3010456 lower blastopore lip
UBERON:3010457 upper blastopore lip
UBERON:3010458 suprarostral ala
UBERON:3010463 animal cap
UBERON:3010464 animal cap inner layer
UBERON:3010465 animal cap outer layer
UBERON:3010489 muscular artery
UBERON:3010494 lateral pretrosal artery
UBERON:3010496 mandibular artery
UBERON:3010498 cutaneus artery
UBERON:3010499 coeliaco-mesenteric artery
UBERON:3010500 gastrico-linealis
UBERON:3010501 duodeno-pancreatic artery
UBERON:3010502 duodeno-hepatic artery
UBERON:3010503 oviduct artery
UBERON:3010506 postcaval vein
UBERON:3010507 precaval vein
UBERON:3010515 lateral vein
UBERON:3010516 cutaneus magnus
UBERON:3010517 ventral abdominal vein
UBERON:3010523 M. plantaris longus
UBERON:3010524 bronchial tube
UBERON:3010525 frontoparietal fenestra
UBERON:3010541 median pars intermedia
UBERON:3010557 triangular process
UBERON:3010558 quadrato-ethmoid ligament
UBERON:3010562 suboccular foramen
UBERON:3010563 craniopalatine foramen
UBERON:3010564 carotid foramen
UBERON:3010565 pila preoptica
UBERON:3010566 prootic foramen
UBERON:3010576 prenasal (amphibians)
UBERON:3010583 basibranchial I
UBERON:3010584 mandibular arch neural crest
UBERON:3010585 basibranchial II
UBERON:3010586 vasa efferentia
UBERON:3010587 hyoid arch neural crest
UBERON:3010589 cloacal papilla
UBERON:3010590 amphibian cloacal gland
UBERON:3010599 stratum spongiosum
UBERON:3010602 granular gland
UBERON:3010603 body gland
UBERON:3010604 cranial glands
UBERON:3010606 limb gland
UBERON:3010613 laryngo-tracheal chamber
UBERON:3010614 cartilago lateralis of aryngo-tracheal chamber
UBERON:3010618 constrictor laryngis externus
UBERON:3010620 dilatator laryngis
UBERON:3010621 constrictor laryngis anterior
UBERON:3010650 cephalodorsosubpharyngeus
UBERON:3010651 levator bulbi
UBERON:3010652 ramus nasalis lateralis
UBERON:3010653 ramus nasalis medialis
UBERON:3010654 rectus cervicis
UBERON:3010657 subhyoideus
UBERON:3010659 subarcualis rectus I
UBERON:3010661 ramus nasalis internus
UBERON:3010664 m. intertransversarius capitus superior
UBERON:3010665 ramule palatinus
UBERON:3010667 m. intertransversarius capitis inferior
UBERON:3010669 trunk maxillary-mandibularis
UBERON:3010671 ramule palatonasalis
UBERON:3010673 m. rhomboideus anterior
UBERON:3010675 bony nodule of terminal phalanx of hind digit
UBERON:3010682 proximal-most prepollical element
UBERON:3010683 distal-most prepollical element
UBERON:3010684 proximal-most prehallical element
UBERON:3010685 distal-most prehallical element
UBERON:3010690 fetal tooth
UBERON:3010691 m. opercularis
UBERON:3010692 m. cucullaris
UBERON:3010693 ramus posterior profundus of V3
UBERON:3010694 m. rhomboideus posterior
UBERON:3010695 m. serratus superior
UBERON:3010698 m. serratus medius
UBERON:3010699 m. serratus inferior
UBERON:3010700 levator mandibulae externus
UBERON:3010701 m. latissimus dorsi
UBERON:3010704 levator mandibulae longus
UBERON:3010707 m. dorsalis scapulae
UBERON:3010708 levator mandibulae articularis
UBERON:3010709 levator mandibulae lateralis
UBERON:3010710 m. interscapularis
UBERON:3010711 levator mandibulae externus superficialis
UBERON:3010712 levator mandibulae externus profundus
UBERON:3010713 m. sternoepicoracoideus
UBERON:3010719 dilated medial process of metacarpal IV
UBERON:3010720 ramus hyomandibularis
UBERON:3010721 limb villosities
UBERON:3010722 ramus palatinus
UBERON:3010724 levator quadrati
UBERON:3010725 M. coracoradialis
UBERON:3010726 ramus muscularis of glossopharyngeus nerve
UBERON:3010728 otic opercular element
UBERON:3010729 M. coracobrachialis longus
UBERON:3010731 M. coracobrachialis brevis
UBERON:3010734 M. flexor carpi ulnaris
UBERON:3010735 ramus anterior of CN VIII
UBERON:3010736 ramus posterior of CN VIII
UBERON:3010737 M. palmaris longus
UBERON:3010738 M. palmaris profundis
UBERON:3010739 M. flexor antibrachii medialis
UBERON:3010740 ramus auricularis of the vagus nerve
UBERON:3010741 M. ulnocarpalis
UBERON:3010742 interhyoideus posterior
UBERON:3010743 M. flexor antibrachii lateralis superficialis
UBERON:3010744 M. flexor antibrachii lateralis profundus
UBERON:3010745 M. coccygeosacralis
UBERON:3010746 T-shaped terminal phalanx
UBERON:3010747 submentalis
UBERON:3010748 M. coccygeoiliacus
UBERON:3010749 M. iliolumbaris
UBERON:3010750 descending branch of the vagus nerve
UBERON:3010751 ramus muscularis of vagus nerve
UBERON:3010754 ramus recurrens
UBERON:3010758 M. coccygeocutaneus
UBERON:3010764 laryngeus ventralis
UBERON:3010770 dorsal sympathetic chain
UBERON:3010771 ventral sympathetic chain
UBERON:3010772 M. dorsalis trunci
UBERON:3010780 pars recta
UBERON:3010781 pars convoluta of oviduct
UBERON:3010783 m. oblique externus
UBERON:3010784 m. oblique internus
UBERON:3010785 m. transversus
UBERON:3010786 pars subvertebralis
UBERON:3010787 pars transversalis
UBERON:3010790 muscle rectus abdominis superficialis
UBERON:3010792 musculus rectus abdominis profundus
UBERON:3010793 m. ypsiloideus anterior
UBERON:3010797 m. ypsiloideus posterior
UBERON:3010802 courtship gland
UBERON:3010813 vent glands
UBERON:3010815 m. flexor indicis superficialis proprius
UBERON:3010818 hepatic peritoneum
UBERON:3010819 gastrointestinal peritoneum
UBERON:3010827 anterior prenasal cartilage
UBERON:3010828 commissura terminales of hyoid apparatus
UBERON:3010829 sulcus intermedius
UBERON:3010830 spicule
UBERON:3010831 occipito-petrosal
UBERON:3010832 occipital segment
UBERON:3010836 posterolateral supplementary element
UBERON:3010837 apical supplementary element
UBERON:3010838 anterolateral supplementary element
UBERON:3011040 first pancreatic bud
UBERON:3011045 gasserian ganglion
UBERON:3011048 genital system
UBERON:3011120 early proximal tubule
UBERON:3011121 late distal segment
UBERON:4200076 trunk armor pectoral fenestra
UBERON:4200092 flexor tubercle of ungual
UBERON:4200113 predorsal scute
UBERON:4200141 prehallical element
UBERON:4200151 toe disc
UBERON:4200174 distal condyle of humerus
UBERON:4200188 manual toe disc
UBERON:4200189 pedal toe disc
UBERON:4300132 glossopharyngeal nerve foramen
UBERON:4300142 internal carotid foramen
UBERON:4300144 profundus foramen
UBERON:4300190 claustrum element
UBERON:4300287 nasal barbel
UBERON:4300288 rictal barbel
github-actions[bot] commented 2 years ago

This issue has not seen any activity in the past 6 months; it will be closed automatically in one year from now if no action is taken.

paolaroncaglia commented 2 years ago

@rays22 @dosumis I presume that you wouldn't want this ticket to go stale - or has it been addressed already? Thanks.

dosumis commented 2 years ago

Reassigning to @bvarner-ebi as part of work on taxon slims.

@bvarner-ebi - don't worry about doing anything until we discuss strategy.

emquardokus commented 2 years ago

@bvarner-ebi @dosumis Majority of true hits seem to have "provenance notesThis class was sourced from an external ontology (amphibian_anatomy). Its definitions, naming conventions and relationships may need to be checked for compatibility with uberon" Likewise, true human terms, do NOT have this same provenance note in this list.

ghost commented 2 years ago

@bvarner-ebi - don't worry about doing anything until we discuss strategy.

@dosumis, is there an update on what needs to be done here?

github-actions[bot] commented 1 year ago

This issue has not seen any activity in the past 6 months; it will be closed automatically one year from now if no action is taken.

anitacaron commented 1 year ago

After searching and founding a sample of these terms in the last human-view subset, also, there were some changes in the pipeline since the issue was open, I'm closing this issue.