obophenotype / upheno

The Unified Phenotype Ontology (uPheno) integrates multiple phenotype ontologies into a unified cross-species phenotype ontology.
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question re: abnormalSizeOfAnatomicalEntity #461

Closed nicolevasilevsky closed 5 years ago

nicolevasilevsky commented 5 years ago

pattern_name: abnormalSizeOfAnatomicalEntity pattern_iri: http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/upheno/patterns-dev/abnormalSizeOfAnatomicalEntity.yaml description: "An abnormal size (the relative extent of something) of an anatomical entity, such as HP_0012504 'Abnormal size of pituitary gland'."


relations: inheres_in: RO:0000052 has_modifier: RO:0002573 has_part: BFO:0000051

annotationProperties: exact_synonym: oio:hasExactSynonym

vars: entity: "'anatomical entity'"

name: text: "abnormal size of %s" vars:


def: text: "A deviation from the normal size of the %s." vars:

equivalentTo: text: "'has_part' some ('size' and ('inheres_in' some %s) and ('has_modifier' some 'abnormal'))" vars:

nicolevasilevsky commented 5 years ago

HPO has two terms that use cells: Abnormality of skeletal muscle fiber size Anisopoikilocytosis

Should we create a new pattern for abnormal cell size or could we revise this pattern?

nicolevasilevsky commented 5 years ago

see: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1GlZoh4kSi_xyv-m2obNdrntCg3WtB2bb58kG6w34pZc/edit#gid=1420535577

matentzn commented 5 years ago

Is there anyone that objects to this pattern covering cells? we will, eventually replace the fillers by OBO core terms. I definetly would have thought that cells are anatomical entities!

nicolevasilevsky commented 5 years ago

The cell terms are coming from the Cell Ontology

matentzn commented 5 years ago

yeah, i meant: UBERON:anatomical entity should subsume cells!

sbello commented 5 years ago

No objection to covering cells, we also use the Cell Ontology for this in the MP

nicolevasilevsky commented 5 years ago

Could we include cell parts as a subclass of anatomical entities too?

For example, see abnormalLevelOfCellularComponent in the spreadsheet

matentzn commented 5 years ago

I think cellular component might be its own category (GO?) @dosumis

pfey03 commented 5 years ago

cell types should be fine as anatomy. Since I use the Dicty anatomy, it also includes the specific cell types that Dicty has during development and I use those.

Cellular component I raised on slack and I would like to have cellular component patterns, but not sure if anatomy gets widened to include the intracellular or if each pattern will be done for CC. Don't see an extra ticket for that yet @matentzn should I add it?

matentzn commented 5 years ago

So the general consensus is to have three categories for material entities:

Of course these categories are not clear cut; where the one ends and the other finishes can be quite problematic. The reason to distinguish them is that we might need some mechanism to do things like breaking part_of chains, and it is generally not unlikely that these entities will be treated differently in patterns (concentration of chemical, but not concentration of anatomical entity).

So yes, we need patterns for sub-cellular components, and maybe we can start with abnormalCellularComponentInLocation or something simple like that!

matentzn commented 5 years ago

The discussion above is fully reconciled. Closing for now.