obophenotype / upheno

The Unified Phenotype Ontology (uPheno) integrates multiple phenotype ontologies into a unified cross-species phenotype ontology.
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Incomplete partition of the cochlea HP:0011373 textual definition and EQ #955

Open anna-anagnostop opened 2 years ago

anna-anagnostop commented 2 years ago

While reviewing MP-HPO logical mappings for decreased cochlear coiling MP:0003148 and Incomplete partition of the cochlea HP:0011373 , both EQs were shown to use:

has part some (decreased coiling and (characteristic of some cochlea) and (has modifier some abnormal))

I am uncertain as to whether the HPO textual definition matches the EQ.

Could you please clarify the textual definition for the HPO term so that I can determine if the logical mapping is correct?

In other words, is the formation of the cochlea partition formed by coiling of the cochlea?

Thanks so much,


pnrobinson commented 2 years ago

I think the EQ is incorrect. @matentzn @LCCarmody do we have a pattern for the incomplete formation of a partition/septum that is normally there and its partial absence is the abnormality?

matentzn commented 2 years ago

I assigned @rays22 (@pnrobinson @rays22 is our new EQ expert and can be tagged on all EQ related tickets) to respond and help @LCCarmody to determine a solution.

pnrobinson commented 2 years ago

@rays22 can we touch bases about this?

rays22 commented 1 year ago

@rays22 can we touch bases about this? Yes. Sorry for my delayed response @pnrobinson. Would you like me to set up a call?

matentzn commented 1 year ago

Is this still relevant?

LCCarmody commented 1 year ago

I have not worked on it. cursory look, the text definition could be expanded, but I don't think the human version of this exactly matches the mouse phenotype. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5635626/#:~:text=6%2D%20Incomplete%20Partition%20of%20the,and%20various%20internal%20architecture%20defects.

pnrobinson commented 8 months ago

Coming back to this, I do not think it is a great idea to have the logical definition reflect our presumption about the pathophysiology (coiling). We should create a PATO term for incompletely partitioned and use it for MP and HP. @matentzn @rays22 @LCCarmody

LCCarmody commented 8 months ago

There is Incomplete structure (PATO:0005013). I am not sure if that would work.

rays22 commented 8 months ago

I am fine with using either Incomplete structure (PATO:0005013) or a newly created PATO incompletely partitioned quality in the EQ. Let me know if I should create a term request (and a PR) in PATO for incompletely partitioned.

pnrobinson commented 6 months ago

@LCCarmody @rays22 I would favor Incomplete structure because developmental defects like this are extremely complex and it is not going to be possible to model them precisely with OWL.

LCCarmody commented 6 months ago

so...something like this? 'has part' some ('Incomplete structure' and ('characteristic of' some cochlea) and ('has modifier' some abnormal))

anna-anagnostop commented 6 months ago

Yes, but we will need to request a new pattern for ‘incomplete structure’ and discuss where it is appropriate to use it. ZP and XPO already use PATO:0005013 , see otolith incomplete structure, abnormal ZP:0022484 and abnormally incomplete structure of forebrain XPO:0115310

LCCarmody commented 6 months ago

I'll create a ticket in uPHENO and we can discuss this at a meeting for specifics.

pnrobinson commented 2 months ago

@LCCarmody @anna-anagnostop @rays22 can we move forward with this?

LCCarmody commented 1 month ago

@rays22 having trouble importing PATO:0005013 into HP to make this happen.

LCCarmody commented 1 month ago

sorry, cut off too soon. Could you help? thanks.

rays22 commented 1 month ago

Hi @LCCarmody , Here is a PR that is intended to import PATO:0005013 incomplete structure into HP.